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These functions find valid humdrum files on your local machine and read them into humdrumR.



  contains = NULL,
  recursive = FALSE,
  allowDuplicates = FALSE,
  verbose = FALSE

  recursive = FALSE,
  contains = NULL,
  allowDuplicates = FALSE,
  verbose = FALSE,
  tandems = "known",
  reference = "all"


An object of class data.table (inherits from data.frame) with 24 rows and 5 columns.



One or more patterns used to identify files to read.

Must be character strings.

For details: see the "REpath-patterns" section below.


REGEX for filtering files.

Defaults to NULL.

Must be character.

If !is.null(contains), the contains argument is is treated as regular expressions: only files which contain matches to all of these regular expressions are read. Thus, readHumdrum('.*krn$', contains = "EEE") will only read kern files which contain matches to "EE"---which is kern for the E two octaves below middle C (or lower).


Should files be found recursively through sub directories?

Defaults to FALSE.

Must be a singleton logical value: an on/off switch.

If TRUE, the final part of the search pattern (i.e., the file search) is searched for recursively through all sub directories.


Indicating what should happen if multiple search patterns match the same files.

Defaults to FALSE.

Must be a singleton logical value: an on/off switch.

If allowDuplicates = TRUE, any such files are read multiple times, grouped into their respective corpora by the Label field. If allowDuplicates = FALSE, any redundant files are only read into the corpus of the first pattern they match.


Whether to print filename while reading or not.

Defaults to FALSE.

Must be a singleton logical value: an on/off switch.

If TRUE, the names of matching files are printed before parsing begins. This is very useful as a check to make sure you aren't reading the wrong files!


Controls which, if any, tandem interpretations are parsed into their own fields.

Defaults to "known".

Must be character.


Which reference records should be parsed into fields.

Defaults to "all".

Must be character.


findHumdrum does the work of finding and reading the text files into R. readHumdrum utilizes findHumdrum to read files, then parses them to create a humdrum table and build a humdrumR data object around the table.


"REpath-patterns" are specified using ... arguments. In combination, all the ... arguments are used to search for file paths. Each part of the search path you specify ("dirpart/dirpart/filepart", etc) are matched as regular expressions against directories/files on your disc. Thus, we can say things like findHumdrum("../^A.*/.*krn$"), which would match any kern files in any directory beginning with a capital "A" in the directory above the current working directory. For conveniance, you can break the path across multiple arguments instead of using delimited strings: For example, the code findHumdrum("..", "^A.*", ".*krn$") will give an identical result as the previous example (findHumdrum("../^A.*/,*krn$")). This is useful when searching for more than one pattern (see next paragraph) in the same directory.

If you want to search for more than one pattern, you can input them as a character vector: For instance, readHumdrum(c("mozart", "beethoven")---this command will search for filenames containing "mozart" OR "beethoven." This works for directories too: readHumdrum(c("Mozart", "Beethoven"), ".*krn$") will look for any kern files in directories containing "Mozart" OR "Beethoven." If patterns are named, these names will show up as identifying patterns in the [humdrumR][humdrumR] object's Label field. Unnamed patterns are simply labeled with numbers. We refer to files matched from regex patterns to be "subcorpora" of the total corpus.

Normal (system appropriate) conventions (i.e., directories separated by "/", '~' at beginning to indicate home, ".." to indicate directory above working directory, etc.) are followed. If a pattern contains a solo dot followed by a file sep---e.g., "./", "x/./y"---this is treated as the current directory, not a regular expression. If a pattern contains two dots---e.g., "../"---this is treated as the directory above, not a regular expression. If you want to create a regular expression to match any directory, use ".*/".

The regex pattern "" matches any file (it is changed to ".*"). If you don't specifiy any ... argument, findHumdrum (or readHumdrum) will default to ".*" as well. Thus, readHumdrum() will read any humdrum files in the working directory.

(If two or more files in different directories share the same name, a unique name is created for each file by appending the names of the directories they occupy, recursively until the names are unique.)

If a single humdrum file has multiple pieces in it---meaning that all spine paths close with *-, then open again with **---then they are parsed separately. They are distinguished in the Piece field. If there are no multi-piece files, Piece and File will be identical.


findHumdrum and readHumdrum automatically ignore non-text files. What's more, any files which contain humdrum syntax errors (checked by validateHumdrum()) are automatically skipped. If you want to see specifically what errors occurred, call validateHumdrum() directly and use its errorReport.path argument.

Tandem Interpretations

All tandem interpretations in a humdrum dataset are summarized in the humdrum table's Tandem field, which is described in detail here. In addition, certain "known" tandem interpretations are parsed into their own fields automatically. For example, *clefG4 and "*clefF2 are parsed as Clef data, while *k[b-] is parsed as a KeySignature. The "known" tandem interpretations that humdrumR recognizes are encoded in a built-in table called knownInterpretations. Each interpretation has a humdrumR name ("Clef", "TimeSignature", etc.) as well as a regular expression associated with it.

The tandems argument to readHumdrum controls which tandem interpretations are parsed into their own fields. This can be helpful to either save processing time and memory by not parsing interpretations you won't need, or to parse interpretations that humdrumR doesn't recognize. The default value for the tandems argument is "known". If the tandems argument contains "known" all tandem interpretations in the built-in knownInterpretations table are parsed. Users may specify different interpretations to parse in two ways:

  1. character strings matching one of the name values from the Name column of knownInterpretations. For instance, if you specify tandems = c('Clef', 'TimeSignature'), only clef (e.g., "*clefG2"), and time signature (e.g., "*M3/4") intepretations will be parsed.

  2. if the character string(s) in tandem do not exactly match one of the names in knownInterpretations$Name, they are treated as regular expressions and used to match tandem interpretations in the data. This allows users to parse non-standard tandem interpretations that humdrumR doesn't already know about.

If any values in tandems are named, these names will be used for resulting fields. If no matches to an given interpretation are found, no field is created for that interpretation. If tandems = NULL, then no tandem interpretations are parsed.

Reference Records

By default (reference = "all"), humdrumR reads all reference records in the data. The reference code for each record (e.g, the "OTL", in "!!!OTL: xxx") is used as the name of an associated field. (If a reference record has no reference code (i.e., it lacks a colon), the field is called "Unkeyed.") In large datasets with many reference records, the reference data can actually make up a large portion of the humdrum table, and eat up a lot of memory. In these cases, we might not want to read all (or any) reference records---we can instead read only the reference records that we are planning to use in our analyses (if any). If reference = NULL, no reference records are parsed. Otherwise, the character values of reference are treated as reference codes and only matching reference records are parsed. For instance, readHumdrum(_, reference = "OTL") will only parse OTL reference records. If the values of reference are named, these names are used to name associated fields. Thus, by specifing reference = c(Title = 'OTL'), you can use "OTL" reference records to populate a field called "Title".

If there are more than one reference records with the same reference code, either explicitely numbered (e.g., "!!!COM1:", "!!!COM2:") all are read and rather than making two or more fields, a single field is created ("COM" in this) with the multiple values separated by ";".

If your humdrum data includes files containing multiple pieces, special consideration is needed to determine (or guess) which reference records (or other global comments) "go with" which piece. Obviously, reference records at the beginning and end of each file are grouped with the first and last pieces respectively. However, reference records that are between pieces in any multi-piece file require some guess work. readHumdrum() will look at reference codes and attempt to group in-between reference records into pieces in a logical way by avoiding duplicated reference codes.

Spines and Paths

In the humdrum syntax, data is placed in "spines," which are not the same as "columns" in a spreadsheet. A "column" refers to a tab-delineated group of values. "Spines" can be a single column, or they may (at any time) split into multiple columns, which can in turn split again, using the "*^" interpretation token. The reverse can happen as well, with two or more columns merging into a single column, using the "v" token. This means that, while humdrum data at first glance looks like a simple two-dimensional table, it is actually a flexible tree structure. As spines split and merge, the total number of columns can change during a piece, creating a "ragged" edge. Another similar issue is that a corpus of humdrum files may have varying numbers of spines/columns, between pieces. ("Global" comment/reference records are also a special case, as that are always a single value, even if interspersed with multi-column local records.) readHumdrum assumes a slightly more strict version of the humdrum syntax: that all the spines which appear at the beginning of a file (headed with exclusive interpretations like "**kern") can never merge into each other. Thus, a humdrum file read into humdrumR must not end with fewer columns than it starts. Spine merges ("*v") can only happen within spine paths that originally split off the same spine. This extra-strict specification of spine paths in the humdrum syntax is, fortunately, something that has been informally followed in most humdrum datasets.

Our strict spine-path definition makes everything work fairly simply: Within a piece, the spines which appear at the beginning of the piece are the "true" spines throughout the piece, numbered from left to right, starting from 1L. For each local token, the value in the Spine field is an integer indicating which of these "true" spines it belongs to---global tokens have a NA value in their Spine field, because they do not belong to any spine. Any spine path splits ("*^") from the main spines form spine paths. Every spine's paths are numbered in the Path field, from right to left, starting from 0L. A spine with no splits will have all 0Ls in its Path field.


findHumdrum returns a "fileFrame" (data.table), listing all file names, the patterns they match, the directories they were found in, and the raw text content of these files.

readHumdrum returns a fully parsed humdrumR object.


readHumdrum() # loads all valid humdrum files in the current directory.
#> Finding and reading files...
#> 	REpath-pattern '.*' matches 131 text files in 1 directory.
#> 131 files read from disk.
#> Validating 131 files...
#> 36,236 errors in 131 files...
#> zero valid files.

readHumdrum(".*krn$") # loads all files ending with "krn" in the currect directory
#> Finding and reading files...
#> 	REpath-pattern '.*krn$' matches 0 text files in 1 directory.
#> Zero file read from disk.
#> No files to validate.

#> Finding and reading files...
#> 	REpath-pattern '^Composers$/^Be|^Mo/.*/^Joined$/.*krn$' matches 0 text files in 0 directories.
#> Zero file read from disk.
#> No files to validate.
# Goes inside the directory "Composers".
# Inside "Composers" looks for directories that start with "Be" or "Mo".
# If there are any "Be|Mo" matching directories within "Composers", matches all directories within them.
# Within these directories, looks for directories called "Joined".
# If there are any directories called "Joined", loads all files (if any) that end with "krn".

readHumdrum("^Composers$", "^Be|^Mo", ".*", "^Joined$", ".*krn$")
#> Finding and reading files...
#> 	REpath-pattern '^Composers$/^Be|^Mo/.*/^Joined$/.*krn$' matches 0 text files in 0 directories.
#> Zero file read from disk.
#> No files to validate.
# exactly the same as the previous!

readHumdrum("^Composers$", c(Beethoven = "^Be", Mozart = "^Mo"), ".*", "^Joined$", ".*krn$") 
#> Finding and reading files...
#> 	REpath-pattern Beethoven = '^Composers$/^Be/.*/^Joined$/.*krn$' matches 0 text files in 0 directories.
#> 	REpath-pattern Mozart = '^Composers$/^Mo/.*/^Joined$/.*krn$' matches 0 text files in 0 directories.
#> Zero file read from disk.
#> No files to validate.
# exactly the same as the previous, except now the two matching patterns ("^Be", or "^Mo") will be grouped
# in the Label field as "Beethoven" and "Mozart" respectively.