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humdrumR includes some helpful functions for creating new regular expressions which work with the stringr package.


captureRE(strs, n = "")

captureUniq(strs, zero = TRUE)



captureRE will take a character vector and collapse it to a "capture group." The n argument can be used to append a number tag, for instance '*' (zero or more) to the group. I.e., captureRE(c("a", "b", "c"), '*') will output "[abc]*".

captureUniq will make a similar capture group to captureRE, but with an expression that makes sure that only 1 or more of the same character repeats. For instance, captureUniq(c('a', 'b','c')) will return "([abc])\\1*"---this expression will match "aaa" or "bb" but not "aabb".