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The tonalInterval is the core tonal pitch representation in humdrumR. A tonalInterval is an abstract representation of tonal pitch, which can be translated to/from all standard "concrete" pitch representations: solfege, scientific pitch, semitones, frequencies, scale degrees, intervals, etc. For the most part, users should not need to interact with tonalIntervals directly---rather, tonalIntervals work behind the scene in numerous humdrumR pitch functions. See the pitch functions and pitch parsing documentation for details on how tonalIntervals are used by humdrumR.


  LO5th = 0L,
  cent = numeric(length(octave)),
  partition = FALSE,
  Key = NULL


  na.last = TRUE,
  decreasing = FALSE,
  method = c("auto", "shell", "radix")



integers representing the octave offset.


integers representing the "line-of-fifths" value.


numeric values representing cents (1200th of an octave).

The tonalInterval is a S4 subclass of humdrumR's virtual class struct, from which it inherits a lot of useful "vector-like" behaviors/functionality.

Creating tonal intervals

Generally, tonalIntervals are created using the tonalInterval() function, and its various methods. The tonalInterval function is primarily a parser, documented elsewhere, which interprets various input representations and generates tonalInterval S4 objects (documented here).

Alternatively, the constructor function tint can be used to directly create tonalInterval objects. The three arguments to tint correspond to the three slots: octave, LO5th (Fifth), and cent. All inputs will be coerced to match in length. The octave argument can be left blank, in which case the appropriate octave will automatically be computed to place the interval in the octave above .

By default, the as.character method, and thus (via struct) the show method, for tonalIntervals call interval(). Thus, if you return a tonalInterval on the command line you'll see the **interval representation printed.

Predefined Intervals:

humdrumR automatically exports a bunch of tonalIntervals, named by their musical interval representation. Every generic interval from 1 to 15 is combined with every interval quality dd (doubly diminished), d (diminished), m (minor), M (major), A (augumented) AA (doubly augmented). Thus, after loading humdrumR, you can type things like M3 + M3 and get A5. In addition, the variables unison (= P1 = tint(0, 0)) and pythagorean.comma (= d2 = tint(-19,12)) are exported as well.


Technically, tonalIntervals are examples of algebraic modules over integers. This means that certain arithmetic operations are defined for tonalIntervals and can be called using standard arithmetic operators (+, -, etc.):

  • Addition: tonalIntervals can be added together, acting exactly as you'd expect (i.e., \(M3 + m3 = P5\)).

  • Subtraction: tonalIntervals can be subtracted just as they are added. Also, they can be negated with a single - operator (like -M3).

  • Multiplication: tonalIntervals can not be multiplied together. However, scalar (integer) multiplication is defined: thus, tonalIntervals can be multiplied by integers to create new tonalIntervals: e.g., \(M2 * 3 = A4\).

  • Division: as the natural inverse of scale multiplication, Euclidean division is defined for tonalIntervals---i.e., division by/into whole (integer) pieces, often with leftover "remainders" (modulo). In R, Euclidean division is achieved with the %/% operator---not /---, with the associated %% used for the remainder/modulo. Two tonalIntervals can be divided to produced an integer; Conversely, a tonalInterval can be divided by an integer to produce a tonalInterval.

Take note that the way humdrumR defines Euclidean division is based in tonal space---i.e., the line-of-fifths---not frequency or atonal-semitone space. For example, an augmented-fourth divided by a major-second is 3L, but a diminished-fifth divided by a major-second is not 3L---d5 %/% M2 equals -3L with a remainder of P8 (plus an octave)! The division algorithm works by applying standard Euclidean division to the @Fifth slot (line-of-fifths tonal space), and shifting the @Octave value in the remainder to the match the appropriate octave.

If you attempt to do addition between a tonalInterval and non-tonalInterval atomic vector (e.g., integer, or character), humdrumR will attempt to coerce the other input to a tonalInterval, using the tonalInterval() parser, do the math and then output the answer in the original format (non-tonalInterval) format. For instance, M3 + 2 will interpret 2 as two semitones and add a major-second to the major-third, resulting in 6 semitones. "In-place" parsing/deparsing will be used, so "extra" characters in the input will be passed through. For example, M3 + will return

Relational Operators

tonalIntervals can be compared using the standard relational operations, like ==, !=, >, and >=. Two tonalIntervals are equal (according to ==) only if all their slots (Octave, Fifth, and Cent) are exactly identical. Thus, enharmonic notes (like C and Db) are not equal. In contrast, ordinal comparisons (e.g., >, <=) between tonalIntervals are based on their semitone (equal temperament) size, so enharmonicity is irrelevant. Thus, m3 >= A2 and A2 >= m3 are both TRUE, even though m3 == A2 is not.

See also

The main way to create tonalInterval S4 objects is with the tonalInterval() pitch parser.

Other core pitch representations: LO5th()

Other Tonal S4 classes: diatonicSetS4, tertianSetS4


M3 <- tint(   , 4L)

M2 <- tint(   , 2L)
M9 <- tint(-1L, 2L)

M9 - M2 
#> tonalInterval
#> [1] +P15
# = octave
M9 - 2L
#> [1] 24
# = 12

M3 %/% M2 
#> [1] 2
# = 2

"cc#]" + M6
#> [1] "aa#]"
# = "aa#]"


cMajor <- sort(tint( , -1:5))
eMajor <- cMajor + M3
eMajor + 2L 
#> [1]  6  8 10 11 13 15 17
# 6 8 10 11 13 15 17

eMajor[4:5] - P8
#> tonalInterval
#> [1] -m3 -m2
# = -m3 -m2