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humdrumR includes a easy-to-use system for generating a variety of tonal (or atonal) pitch representations, which can be flexibly modified by users. "Under the hood" humdrumR represents all tonal pitch information using the same underlying representation, which is typically extracted from input data using the pitch parser. This representation can then be "deparsed" into a variety of predefined output formats (like **kern), or into new formats that you create!


Deparsing is the second step in the pitch function processing pipeline:

  • Input representation |>

    • Parsing |>

      • Intermediate (tonalInterval) representation |>

      • Transformation |>

    • Deparsing (DEPARSING ARGS GO HERE) |>

  • Output representation

Various pitch representations like **kern, **solfa, and **semits can be generated using predefined pitch functions like kern() semits(), and solfa() respectively. All of these functions use a common deparsing framework, and are specified using different combinations of arguments to the deparser.a By modifying these "deparsing" arguments, you can exercise fine control over how you want pitch information to be represented in your output. This documentation talks about this deparsing step. For an overview of the parsing process, look here.

Basic pitch arguments

Each pitch function has a few standard arguments which control details of the output. The most important are the generic and simple arguments, which allow you to control what type of pitch information is returned.

Generic vs Specific

If generic = TRUE, specific pitch information (accidentals or qualities) is omitted from the output. As an alternative way of controlling the same functionality, you can use the specific argument, where specific == !generic.

In the case of atonal functions, the "generic" version of that pitch is output: for example, semits('c#', generic = TRUE) will return 0, because the "generic" version of C# is C, which corresponds to 0. However, note that the generic version of a pitch follows the key, so semits('c#', generic = TRUE, Key = 'A:') will return 1!

Simple vs Compound

If simple = TRUE, compound pitch information (octave and contour) is omitted from the output. As an alternative way of controlling the same functionality, you can use the compound argument ,where compound == !simple.

There is actually more than one way you might want to divide compound intervals up into simple and octave parts. For example, you might like to call an output -M2 (descending major 2nd) OR +m7 (ascending minor 7th in the octave below). This functionality can be controlled with the octave.round argument: see the pitch deparsing documentation.


The Key argument must be a diatonicSet, or something that can be parsed into one. The Key argument is passed to the parser, deparser, and transpose---unless an alternate Key is passed to transposeArgs or parseArgs. Various deparsing options use the Key argument; for example, use of implicitSpecies (see advanced parsing section) is dependent on the Key.

If you use any pitch function within a special call to withinHumdrum, humdrumR will automatically pass the Key field from the humdrum data to the function---this means, that in most cases, you don't need to explicitly do anything with the Key argument! (If you want this not to happen, you need to explicitly specify your own Key argument, or Key = NULL.)

Parse arguments

The parseArgs argument must be a list() of (named) arguments which are passed to the input parser. For example, if our input representation uses "X" to represent double sharps, we could specify kern('CX5', parseArgs = list(doublesharp = 'X')) and get the correct result ("cc##"). As a convenient shorthand, or "syntactic sugar," you can specify parseArgs in an alternate way: Simply input parse(args...) as unnamed argument to any pitch function. For example, we can get the exact same result as before by typing kern('CX5', parse(doublesharp = 'X')).

Transpose arguments

The transposeArgs argument must be a list() of (named) arguments which are passed to an internal call to transpose(), allowing us to easily transpose pitch information. For example, we could type kern(c('C', 'D', 'E'), transposeArgs = list(by = 'M9')) can get the output c('d', 'e', 'f#'). The possible transpose args are:

  • by (tonalInterval, length == 1 | length == (x))

  • from (diatonicSet, length == 1 | length == (x))

  • to (diatonicSet, length == 1 | length == (x))

  • real (logical, length == 1) Should transposition be real or tonal?

  • relative (logical, length == 1) Should key-wise transposition be based on relative or parallel keys?

As a convenient shorthand, or "syntactic sugar," you can specify transposeArgs in an alternate way: Simply input transpose(args...) as unnamed argument to any pitch function. For example, we can get the exact same result as before by typing kern(c('C', 'D', 'E'), transpose(by = 'M9')).

Transposing by interval

As when calling transpose() directly, the by argument can be anything coercable to a tonalInterval, and the output will be transposed by that amount. If real = FALSE, tonal transposition (within the Key) will be performed. For more details on transposition behavior, check out the transpose() docs.

Transposing by key

Another way of transposing is by specifying an input ("from") key and an output ("to") key. By default, the Key argument is passed to transpose as both from and to, so nothing actually happens. Thus, if you specify either a from key or to key, transposition will happen to/from that key to Key. Of course, if you specify from and to the transposition will happen between the keys you specify.

If you use any pitch function within a special call to withinHumdrum, humdrumR will automatically pass the Key field from the humdrum data to the function. If you specify a to key, the Key field will be passed as the transpose from key, and as a result, all the pitches in the input will be transposed from whatever keys they are in to your target (to) key!

The real and relative arguments give you special control of how key-wise transposition works, so check out the transpose() docs for more details!

In-place parsing

In humdrum data, character strings are often encoded with multiple pieces of musical information right besides each other: for example, **kern data might include tokens like "[. The humdrumR parser (tonalInterval) will automatically "pull out" pitch information from within strings, if it can find any using the appropriate known regular expressions. For example, pitch('[') returns Eb5. However, all the pitch functions (like pitch() and kern()) have an option to keep the "extra" information and return the result "in place"---i.e., embedded right where it was found in the input string. This is controlled with the inPlace argument, which is FALSE by default. So, pitch('[', inPlace = TRUE) will return 4.Eb5[---keeping the "4." and the "[". (This obviously only works if the input is a string, not a numeric!) Note that inPlace = TRUE will force functions like semits, which normally return numeric values, to return character strings if their input is a character string.

Deparsing arguments

The following "advanced" deparsing arguments are available (read all the details about them further down):

  • Steps

    • step.labels

    • step.signed

  • Species (accidentals or qualities)

    • qualities

    • specifier.maximum

    • Accidentals

      • natural, flat, sharp, doubleflat, doublesharp

    • Qualities

      • perfect, major, minor, augment, diminish

    • Implicit vs Explicit Species

      • implicitSpecies

      • absoluteSpecies

      • explicitNaturals

      • cautionary

      • memory, memoryWindows

  • Octave

    • octave.integer

    • up, down, same

    • octave.offset

    • octave.round

    • octave.relative, octave.absolute

  • String parsing

    • parts

    • sep

Note that the deparsing arguments are similar (sometimes identical) to parallel parsing arguments. These "advanced" arguments can be used directly in any pitch function: for example, kern(x, qualities = TRUE).

Each of the humdrumR pitch functions is associated with default deparsing arguments. For example, if you use kern(), flat is set (by default) to "-". However, if you wanted to print **kern-like pitch data, except with a different flat symbol, like "_", you could modify the deparser: kern('Eb5', flat = "_"). This overrides the default value for **kern, so the output would be "ee_" instead of "ee-".


All representations of "tonal" pitch information include a representation of diatonic steps. You can control how the deparser writes diatonic steps using the step.labels argument. The step.labels argument must be an atomic vector of unique values, with a length which is a positive multiple of seven. Examples of step.labels arguments that are currently used by humdrumR pitch functions include:

  • step.labels = c('A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'G')

  • step.labels = c('I', 'II', 'III', 'IV', 'V', 'VI', 'VII')

  • step.labels = c('d', 'r', 'm', 'f', 's', 'l', 't')

If step.labels is NULL, steps are assumed printed as integers, including negative integers representing downward steps.

There is also a step.signed (logical, length == 1) argument: if step.signed = TRUE, lowercase versions of step.labels are interpreted as negative (downward) steps and uppercase versions of step.labels are interpreted as positive (upwards) steps. This option is used, for example, by the default kern() and helmholtz() parsers.


In tonal pitch representations, "specific" versions of tonal pitches---the tonal "species"---are indicated by "specifiers": either accidentals or qualities. The qualities (logical, length == 1) argument indicates whether accidentals are used (qualities = FALSE) or qualities (qualities = TRUE). Some specifiers can be repeated any number of times, like "triple sharps" or "doubly augmented"; The specifier.maximum (integer, length == 1) argument sets a maximum limit on the number of specifiers to write. For example, you could force all triple sharps ("###") or double sharps ("##") to deparse as just "#", by specifying specifier.maximum = 1L.


If qualities = FALSE the deparser will print accidentals of three types: naturals, flats, and sharps. The natural, flat, and/or sharp (character, length == 1) arguments can be used to indicate how accidentals are printed in the output. For example, if set the kern('Eb5', flat = 'flat') you get the output "eeflat".

Examples of accidental argument combinations that are currently used by humdrumR pitch functions include:

The doubleflat, and doublesharp (character, length == 1) arguments are NULL by default, but can be set if a special symbol is wanted to represent two sharps or flats. For example, you could modify pitch() to use a special double sharp symbol: pitch("f##", doublesharp = "x") and the output will be "Fx4".

The printing of naturals is controlled by the natural argument. However, by default, the humdrumR deparsers don't both printing naturals. You can force all naturals to print my setting the explicitNaturals (logical, length == 1) argument to TRUE. The exact behavior of explicitNaturals depends on the implicitSpecies, absoluteSpecies, and Key argument (details below).


If qualities = TRUE the deparser will print qualities, of five types: perfect, minor, major, augmented, and diminished. The perfect, major, minor, diminish, and/or augment (character, length == 1) arguments can be used to indicate how qualities are printed in the output. (Note: we are talking about interval/degree qualities here, not chord qualities!) For example, you can write interval(c("g-", "f#"), augment = 'aug', diminish = 'dim') and the output c("+dim5", "+aug4"). Examples of quality argument combinations that are currently used by humdrumR pitch functions include:

  • parse(major = "M", minor = "m", perfect = "P", diminish = "d", augment = "A")

  • parse(diminish = "o", augment = "+")

Implicit vs Explicit Species

In some musical data, specifiers (e.g., accidentals or qualities) are not explicitly indicated; instead, you must infer the species of each pitch from the context---like the key signature!.

From the Key

The most important argument here is implicitSpecies (logical, length == 1): if implicitSpecies = TRUE, the species of input without an explicit species indicated is interpreted using the Key. For example,

  • kern('C', Key = 'A:', parse(implicitSpecies = TRUE)) is parsed as "C#"

    • C is sharp in A major.

  • kern('C', Key = 'a:', parse(implicitSpecies = TRUE)) is parsed as "C"

    • C is natural in A minor.

  • kern('C', Key = 'a-:', parse(implicitSpecies = TRUE)) is parsed as "C-"

    • C is flat in A-flat minor.

By default, if you input already has specifiers, they are interpreted absolutely---overriding the "implicit" Key---, even if implicitSpecies = TRUE. Thus, if we are in A major:

  • kern("C#", Key = 'A:', parse(implicitSpecies = TRUE)) is parsed as "C#".

    • The "#" is unnecessary.

  • kern("Cn", Key = 'A:', parse(implicitSpecies = TRUE)) is parsed as "C".

    • The "n" overrides the Key.

  • kern("C#", Key = 'a:', parse(implicitSpecies = TRUE)) is parsed as "C#".

    • The "#" overrides the Key.

However! You can also change this behavior by setting the absoluteSpecies (logical, length == 1) argument to FALSE. If you do so, the specifiers in the input are interpreted "on top of" the key accidental:

  • kern("C#", Key = 'A:', parse(implicitSpecies = TRUE, absoluteSpecies = FALSE)) is parsed as "C##".

    • The "#" from the input is added to the "#" from the Key, resulting in double sharp!

This is an unusual behavior, for absolute pitch representations like **kern. However, for use with scale or chord degrees, absoluteSpecies = FALSE might be appropriate. For example, if we are reading a figured bass in the key of E minor, a "b7" figure above an E in the bass should be interpreted as a double flat (diminished) 7th (Db over E)! If this is how your data is encoded, use absoluteSpecies = FALSE.


In some musical data, it is assume that a accidental on a note "stays in effect" on that scale step until the next bar, or until a different accidental replaces it. Fortunately, the humdrumR parser (tonalInterval()) also knows how to parse data encoded with "memory" this way. If memory = TRUE, the accidental (or quality) of each input note is "remembered" from previous appearances of that scale step. For example,

  • kern(c("D#", "E", "D", "E", "Dn", "C", "D"), parse(memory = TRUE))

    • is parsed as c("D#", "E", "D#", "E", "D", "C", "D")

If we want the "memory" to only last when specific time windows (like bars), we can also specify a memoryWindows argument. memoryWindows must be an atomic vector which is the same length as the input (x argument). Each unique value within the memoryWindows vector is treated as a "window" within which memory operates. The most common use case would be to pass the Bar field from a humdrumR dataset to memoryWindows!

The memory and memoryWindows argument work whatever values of implicitSpecies or absoluteSpecies are specified! Though all the examples here use accidentals, these arguments all have the same effect if parsing qualities (qualities = TRUE).


The final piece of information encoded in most (but not) all pitch representations is an indication of the "compound pitch"--- incorporating octave information. In humdrumR octaves are always defined in terms of scale steps: so two notes with the same scale degree/letter name will always be the same octave. This mainly comes up with regards to Cb and B#: Cb4 is a semitone below ; B#3 is enharmonically the same as middle-C.

Integer Octaves

The simplest way octave information can be encoded is as an integer value, as in Scientific Pitch. If you need to parse integer-encoded octaves, set the octave.integer (logical, length == 1) argument to TRUE. By default, humdrumR considers the "central" octave (octave == 0) to be the octave of , or equivalently, a unison. However, if a different octave is used as the central octave, you can specify the octave.offset (integer, length == 1) argument.

To illustrate, the default Scientific Pitch parser used the arguments:

  • kern('C5', parse(octave.integer = TRUE, octave.offset = 4)

    • Returns "cc" (the octave above middle C).

Non-integer Octave Markers

If octave.integer = FALSE, the humdrumR parser instead looks for three possible symbols to indicate octave information. These symbols are controlled using the up, down, and same (character, length == 1) arguments. A same symbol, or no symbol, is interpreted as the "central" octave; repeating strings of the up or down symbols indicate increasing positive (up) or negative (down) octaves. For example, in lilypond notation, , represents lower octaves, and ' (single apostrophe) represents upper octaves. So the default lilypond() parser uses these arguments:

  • pitch(c("c", "c", "c'"), parse(octave.integer = FALSE, up = "'", down = ",", octave.offset = 1))

    • Returns c("C2", "C3", "C4").

(Note that lilypond makes the octave below the central octave, using octave.offset = 1.)

Octave "Rounding"

In some situations, pitch data might interpret the "groupby" between octaves a little differently. In most absolute pitch representations (e.g., kern(), pitch()), the "boundary" between one octave and the next is between B (degree 7) and C (degree 1). However, if for example, we are working with data representing intervals, we might think of an "octave" as spanning the range -P4 (G) to +P4 (f). In this case, the "octave boundary" is centered around the unison (or ), rather than starting at middle-C/unison. If our data was represented this way, we could use the octave.round argument; octave.round must be a rounding function, either round, floor, ceiling, trunc, or expand. These functions indicate how we interpret simple pitches "rounding" to the nearest C/unison. The default behavior for most pitch representations is octave.round = floor: each scale step is rounded downwards to the nearest C. So B is associated with the C 7 steps below it. If, on the other hand, octave.round = round, then scale-steps are "rounded" to the closest C, so B and A are associated with the closer C above them. Indeed, octave.round = round gets us the -P4 <-> +P4 behavior we mentioned earlier!

When working parsing intervals, the octave.round option allows you to control how the "simple part" (less than an octave) of a compound interval is represented. For example, we might think of a ascending major 12th as being an ascending octave plus a ascending perfect 5th: ** +P8 + P5**. Or we could encode that same interval as two ascending octaves minus a perfect fourth: + P15 - P4. The following table illustrates how different octave.round arguments "partition" compound intervals into simple parts and octaves:

-P12:-P15 + P4-P15 + P4-P8 - P5-P8 - P5-P15 + P4
-P11:-P8 - P4-P15 + P5-P8 - P4-P8 - P4-P15 + P5
-P8:-P8 + P1-P8 + P1-P8 + P1-P8 + P1-P8 + P1
-P5:-P8 + P4-P8 + P4+P1 - P5+P1 - P5-P8 + P4
-P4:+P1 - P4-P8 + P5+P1 - P4+P1 - P4-P8 + P5
P1:+P1 + P1+P1 + P1+P1 + P1+P1 + P1+P1 + P1
+P4:+P1 + P4+P1 + P4+P8 - P5+P1 + P4+P8 - P5
+P5:+P8 - P4+P1 + P5+P8 - P4+P1 + P5+P8 - P4
+P8:+P8 + P1+P8 + P1+P8 + P1+P8 + P1+P8 + P1
+P11:+P8 + P4+P8 + P4+P15 - P5+P8 + P4+P15 - P5
+P12:+P15 - P4+P8 + P5+P15 - P4+P8 + P5+P15 - P4
+P15:+P15 + P1+P15 + P1+P15 + P1+P15 + P1+P15 + P1
+P18:+P15 + P4+P15 + P4+P22 - P5+P15 + P4+P22 - P5
+P19:+P22 - P4+P15 + P5+P22 - P4+P15 + P5+P22 - P4

Notice that, if octave.floor is being used, all simple intervals are represented as ascending.

When parsing "absolute" pitch representations, the octave.round option allows you to control which octave notes are associated with. The following table illustrates:


Absolute or Relative (contour) Octave

In some notation encoding schemes, the "octave" of each note is interpreted relative the previous note, rather than any absolute reference. The most prominent system is Lilypond's relative octave entry style. This style is often used in combination with scale degree representations---as in the RS200 corpus. For example, a data set might say Do Re Mi vSo La Ti Do, with the "v" indicating a jump down to So. To activate relative-octave parsing, set octave.relative = TRUE---alternatively, you can use octave.absolute = FALSE, which is equivalent.

In a relative-octave data, we assume that octave indications indicate a shift relative to the previous note. This would usually be used in combination with octave markers like "^" (up) or "v" (down). Different combinations of octave.round allow us to parse different behaviors:

  • If octave.round = round, a same marker (or no marker) indicates that the note is the pitch closest to the previous pitch. Octave markers indicate alterations to this assumption. As always, this is based on scale steps, not semitones! Any fourth is "closer" than any fifth, regardless of their quality: So C F# is ascending and C Gb is descending! A ascending diminished 5th would be written C ^Gb---with up = ^.

  • If octave.round = floor, a same marker (or no marker) indicates that the note is in the octave above the previous pitch. Octave markers indicate alterations to this assumption. With this setting, going from C down to B always requires a down mark.

String Parsing

In addition to the three types of musical parsing considerations reviewed above (steps, species, and octaves), there are also some general string-parsing issues that we can consider/control.

Parts and Order

So far (above) we've discussed various ways that tonal pitch information (step, species, and octave) can be encoded, and how the humdrumR parser can be modified to handle different options. However, there are two general parsing issues/options to consider: what information is encoded, and in what order? The parts argument can be specifyied to indicate this. The parts argument must be a character vector of length 1--3. The characters in the must partial match either "step", "species", or "octave". The presense of any of these strings in the parts vector indicate that that information should be parsed. The order of the strings indicates what order the pieces of pitch information are encoded in input strings.

To illustrate, imagine that we had input data which was identical to a standard interval representation---e.g., M2 and P5---except the quality appears after the step---e.g., 2M and 5P. We could call interval(c("2M", "5P"), parse(parts = c("step", "species"))) and sure enough we'd get the correct parse!

One final string-parsing argument is sep, which indicates if there is a character string separating the pitch information components: The most common case would be a comma or space. For example, we could use a parse command like this: kern("E flat 5", parse(flat = "flat", sep = " ")).

Pitch-Gamut Levels

The table() will automatically generate factor levels for pitch data using the gamut() function. This is makes sure tabulated data sorted in a logical order, and includes missing pitches. The simple/complex and generic/specific arguments are automatically passed to gamut(); additional arguments can be passed to gamut using gamutArgs = list(...), or with the syntactic sugar gamut(...). (Read the gamut() docs for an explanation of gamut generation.) This feature be used to control table layout of pitch data, as well as to assure consistent tables when grouping data.

When inPlace = TRUE no special tabulation will occur.

See also

All humdrumR pitch functions make use of the deparsing functionality.