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writeHumdrum writes humdrumR data into humdrum-syntax text files. The current selected field(s) are evaluated to generate the humdrum output data. The written output should match the printout if printing the data in the R terminal.


  prefix = "humdrumR_",
  renamer = force,
  affix = "",
  extension = NULL,
  separatePieces = FALSE,
  directory = NULL,
  overwrite = FALSE,
  verbose = FALSE,
  EMD = paste0("Edited in humdrumR ", packageVersion("humdrumR"), " on ", Sys.Date())



HumdrumR data to write.

Must be a humdrumR data object.


A prefix to add to output filenames.

Defaults to "humdrumR_".

Must be a single character string.


A function to modify output filenames.

Defaults to force (keep the original filenames).

Must be a function which accepts a character vector and returns a new charater vector of the same length.


An affix to add to output filenames.

Defaults to "".

Must be a single character string.

Affix is appended at end of filename, but before the extension.


What extension to use for new files.

Defaults to NULL, which means the file extension of the original files is used.

Must be NULL, or a single, non-empty character string.


A directory to write the files into.

Defaults to NULL.

Must be a single character string.

If NULL, files are written to the same directory (or directories) they were read from.


Whether to overite existing files.

Defaults to FALSE.

Must be a singleton logical value: an on/off switch.

If FALSE, writeHumdrum will refuse to overwrite any files. If TRUE, writeHumdrum will overwrite files, but only after an additional prompt from the user.


Whether to show file names while writing.

Defaults to FALSE.

Must be a singleton logical value: an on/off switch.

If TRUE, each new output file name is printed on the console as the writing happens.


A string to write to a new !!!EMD: record in each file.

Defaults to "Edited using humdrumR, version X.X.X.XXX, on current data/time."

Must be a single character string.

If NULL, not appended.

File names

The main option to control with writeHumdrum is what files to write to. writeHumdrum uses the original names of the files, as read by readHumdrum, as the basis for new file names. By default, writeHumdrum will refuse to overwrite the original files---overwriting will only be allowed if you specify overwrite == TRUE and respond with "y" to a prompt.

writeHumdrum generates new file names by modifying the original read file names. The renamer argument must be a function which takes the original names as an input character vector (excluding the directory path and the file extension) and returns a new character vector of the same length (the default is R's identity function force). After running renamer, the character-string affix and prefix arguments are appended/prepended to the renamed names. (The affix is affixed before the extension.) Finally, the extension argument can be used to specify a different file extension.

If any files in your data set contain multiple pieces, you can either write these pieces into the same files (seperateFiles = FALSE), as they were originally, or write each piece into its own new file (separateFiles = TRUE); if writing pieces into separate files, each piece's file name is appended with _pieceN, where N is the number of the piece within the file.

The directory argument indicates a file path where to write the files. If the directory doesn't exist, it is created. If directory is NULL, files are written to their original input directory (or directories).

The EMD argument specifies a character string to put into a new !!!EMD reference record at the end of each file. EMD (Document modification description) records keep track of modifications to humdrum data. The default behavior is to print a string indicating the humdrumR version number and date. If EMD is set to NULL, it is not appended to the files.