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ditto is a function that allow you to "fill" null values in a vector with non-null values from earlier/later in the same vector. The default, "forward," behavior fills each null value with the previous (lower index) non-null value, if there are any. The reverse argument can be used to cause "backward" filling, where the next (higher index) non-null value is used. If the input begins (or ends if reverse == TRUE) with a null value, the initial argument is filled instead; defaults to NA.


ditto(x, ...)

# S3 method for default
  null = function(x) | x == ".",
  initial = NA,
  reverse = FALSE,
  groupby = list(),
  orderby = list()

# S3 method for data.frame
ditto(x, ...)

# S3 method for matrix
ditto(x, margin = 2, ...)

# S3 method for humdrumR
ditto(x, ..., initial = NA, reverse = FALSE)



A vector.

Should be list, atomic, matrix, or data.frame.


Defines which elements needs to be filled.

Defaults to function(x) | x == ".".

Should be either a logical vector where (length(x) == length(null)), a numeric vector of positive indices, or a function which, when applied to x returns an appropriate logical/numeric vector.


Padder for the beginning (or end, if reverse == TRUE) of the output, if needed.

Defaults to NA.

Should be the same class as x; must be length 1.


Whether the excecution order is reversed.

Defaults to FALSE.

Must be a singleton logical value: an on/off switch.

If reverse == TRUE, the "non-null" values are coped to overwrite null values earlier (lower indices) in the vector.


How to group the data.

Should be vector or list of vectors; must be length length(x).

Each segment of x delineated by the groupby vector(s) is treated separately.


A vector giving the dimensions which the function will be applied over.

Defaults to 2 (across columns) for matrix inputs.

Must be natural number(s).

E.g., for a matrix 1 indicates rows, 2 indicates columns. Where x has named dimnames, it can be a character vector selecting dimension names.

Must be a single character string.


Which values are considered "null" can be controlled using the null argument. The null argument can either be a logical vector which is the same length as the input (x) argument, a numeric vector of positive indices, or a function which, when applied to x returns an appropriate logical/numeric vector. The values of x where null == FALSE are copied forward/backwards to replace any adjacent vales where null == TRUE. By default, null is the function \(x) | x == '.', which means that NA values and the string "." are "null", and are overwritten by adjacent values.

ditto methods are defined for data.frames and matrices. The data.frame method simply applies ditto to each column of the data.frame separately. For matrices, ditto can be applied across columns (margin == 2), rows (margin == 1), or other dimensions.

The ditto method for a humdrumR object simply applies ditto to the, by default, the selected field; thus ditto(humData) is equivalent to within(humData, newField <- ditto(.), dataTypes = 'Dd'). The field argument can be used to indicated a different field to apply to. The result of the dittoing is saved to a new field---the newField argument can be used to control what to name the new field.


In many cases we want to perform lagged calculations in a vector, but not across certain boundaries. For example, if your vector includes data from multiple pieces, we wouldn't want to calculate melodic intervals between pieces, only within pieces. The groupby argument indicates one, or more, grouping vectors, which break the x (input) argument into groups. If more than groupby vectors are given, a change in any vector indicates a boundary.

Value pairs which cross between groups are treated as if they were at the beginning. Basically, using the groupby argument to a function should be similar or identical to using tapply(x, groupby, laggedFunction, ...) or using a groupby expession in a call to with(in).humdrumR. However, using a groupby argument directly is usually much faster, as they have been specially optimized for this functions.

The most common use case in humdrum data, is looking at "melodies" within spines. For this, we want groupby = list(Piece, Spine, Path). In fact, humdrumR with(in) calls will automatically feed these three fields as groupby arguments to certain functions: mint, delta, sigma, lag, ditto, ioi, sumTies, hop, wort, or wort.character. So any use of delta in a call to with(in), will automatically calculate the delta in a "melodic" way, within each spine path of each piece. However, if you wanted, for instance, to calculate differences across spines (like harmonic intervals) you could manually set groupby = list(Piece, Record).


When performing lagged calculations, we typically assume that the order of the values in the input vector (x) is the order we want to "lag" across. E.g., the first element is "before" the second element, which is "before" the third element, etc. [Humdrum tables][humTable] are always ordered Piece > Piece > Spine > Path > Record > Stop. Thus, any lagged calculations across fields of the humtable will be, by default, "melodic": the next element is the next element in the spine path. For example, consider this data:

**kern  **kern
a       d
b       e
c       f
*-      *-

The default order of these tokens (in the Token field) would be a b c d e f. If we wanted to instead lag across our tokens harmonically (across records) we'd need to specifiy a different order For example, we could say orderby = list(Pice, Record, Spine)---the lagged function would interpret the Token field above as a d b e c f.

For another example, note Stop comes last in the order. Let's consider what happens then if here are stops in our data:

**kern  **kern
a       d
b D     e g
c A     f a
*-      *-

The default ordering here (`Piece > Spine > Record > Stop`) "sees" this in the order `a b D c A d e g f a`.
That may or may not be what you want!
If we wanted, we could reorder such that `Stop` takes precedence over `Record`: `orderby = list(Piece, Spine, Stop, Record)`.
The resulting order would be `a b c d e f D G g a`.


[humTable]: R:humTable

See also

Other Lagged vector functions: delta(), int(), lag(), sigma()