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These functions allow us to calculate intervals between pitches. int() is the most basic form, calculating the interval(s) between two input vectors. mint() and hint() are special forms for calculating intervals "melodically" or "harmonically," respectively.

If mint() is applied to a humdrumR data class you may use the data's fields as arguments. If no field names are specified, the first selectedField is used as x.

If hint() is applied to a humdrumR data class you may use the data's fields as arguments. If no field names are specified, the first selectedField is used as x.


  from = tint(0L, 0L),
  deparser = interval,
  incomplete = NULL,
  bracket = is.function(incomplete),
  classify = FALSE,
  Exclusive = NULL,
  Key = NULL,
  parseArgs = list()

# S3 method for default
  lag = 1,
  deparser = interval,
  incomplete = kern,
  bracket = is.function(incomplete),
  classify = FALSE,
  parseArgs = list(),
  Exclusive = NULL,
  Key = NULL,
  groupby = list(),
  orderby = list()

humData |> select(Token) |> mint() 
humData |> mint(simple = TRUE)
humData |> mint(Token, Key = Key)

  lag = 1,
  deparser = interval,
  incomplete = kern,
  bracket = is.function(incomplete),
  classify = FALSE,
  parseArgs = list(),
  Exclusive = NULL,
  Key = NULL,
  groupby = list(),
  orderby = list()

# S3 method for default
  lag = 1,
  deparser = interval,
  incomplete = kern,
  bracket = is.function(incomplete),
  parseArgs = list(),
  Exclusive = NULL,
  Key = NULL,
  groupby = list(),
  orderby = list()

humData |> select(Token) |> hint() 
humData |> hint(simple = TRUE)
humData |> hint(Token, Key = Key)

  lag = 1,
  deparser = interval,
  incomplete = kern,
  bracket = is.function(incomplete),
  parseArgs = list(),
  Exclusive = NULL,
  Key = NULL,
  groupby = list(),
  orderby = list()



Input pitch information.

Can be any (atomic) vector, or a tonalInterval, or NULL. Must be parsable as pitch information.


Pitches to calculate the intervals from.

Defaults to middle C / unison.

Can be any (atomic) vector, or a tonalInterval, or NULL. Must be parsable as pitch information.


What output representation do you want?

Defaults to interval.

Must be a pitch function, like kern().


How to pad incomplete intervals (e.g., the start/end of input).

Defaults to NULL for int(), kern for mint() and hint().

Must NULL, a pitch function, or an atomic value of length(incomplete) == abs(lag).


Whether to print brackets around incomplete output.

Defaults to TRUE if incomplete is a function, FALSE otherwise.

Must be a singleton logical value: an on/off switch.

If TRUE, square brackets ("[]") are printed around incomplete observations.


Should intervals be classified as step/skip/leaps?

Defaults to FALSE.

Must be a singleton logical value: an on/off switch.

If TRUE, the deparser is ignored and the output is classified as Unison, Step, Skip, or Leap.


An optional list of arguments passed to the pitch parser.

Defaults to an empty list().

Must be a list of named arguments to the pitch parser.


The lag() to calculate harmonic/melodic intervals between.

Defaults to 1, which means intervals between immediate successors in x.

Must be either a single number, or a logical of length(x) (see "Logical lags" section in manual).


A list of vectors to group x.

Defaults to list().

Must be a list; every element of the list must be length length(x).


A list of vectors to group x.

Defaults to list().

Must be a list; every element of the list must be length length(x).

Used to interpret the order of elements in x. Lagged computations are done in the indicated order, but the output is returned in the original order.


Input vectors x (and from) are parsed as pitches (tonal interval objects), if possible. (Parsing arguments can be passed via the parseArgs list, or parse(...) sugar. Key and Exclusive arguments are also passed to the parser.) Any inputs that fail to parse will show up as NA in the output.

Once parsed, the intervals between the pitches are calculated as x - from. The resulting intervals are then "deparsed" into a standard representation; by default, the intervals() representation is used, but you can set the deparser argument to any pitch function. However, the only alternative deparser that would be commonly used (besides intervals()) would be semits(). If deparser is NULL, the raw tonalIntervals are returned.

Melodic and Harmonic intervals

mint and hint calculate "melodic" and "harmonic" intervals respectively. In this context, "melodies" are sequences of notes within a spine path, while "harmonies" are intervals between notes occurring in the same record (at the same time). Outside of a with(in) call, mint or hint are exactly the same; It is only when used in a call to with(in) that you will see them have different behaviors, as with(in) will automatically apply them across spine paths (mint()) or records (hint()). This is achieved by modifying the groupby and orderby arguments to lag()---you can manually achieve the default behaviors, or other behaviors, by setting these arguments yourself.

When used in a with(in) expression, mint() will (by default) calculate the melodic interval approaching each note from the previous note: for example, mint('C4', 'D4', 'Eb4') fill return c('[c]', '+M2', '+m2'), because D4 is approached by ascending whole step from C4, and Eb4 is approached by ascending half step from D4. Similarly, the default with(in) behavior of hint() is to calculate successive intervals in the same record (across spine paths), from left to right. So the record C3 G4 C5 will return values [CC] +P12 +P4, because the G4 is a perfect 12th above C3, and C5 is a perfect fourth above G4.

mint() and hint() work by passing lagged and/or dittoed versions of x as the from argument to int(). Basically, mint() is equivalent to int(x, lag(x, lag = lag, groupby = list(Piece, Spine, Path)), ...) and hint() is equivalent to int(x, lag(x, lag = lag, groupby = list(Piece, Record), orderby = list(Piece, Record, Spine, Path)), ...). In either case, the parsed pitch vector is copied and lagged using lag(), with pairs crossing outside groupby groups ignored. The lag argument controls how far apart in the melody intervals are calculated. For instance, a lag of 2 will calculate intervals between every other note in the vector. Positive lags (the default) will calculate approaching intervals: each token represents the interval between the current note and the previous note. Negative lags will calculate departing intervals: each token represents the interval between the current note and the next note. Note that, by passing directed = FALSE through the the deparser, the undirected (absolute value) of the melodic intervals can be returned.

Incomplete value padding

By default, int will return NA anywhere where x or from is NA. However, if from is NA but x is not NA, we can ask for different output for these "incomplete" pairs. using the incomplete argument. If incomplete is an atomic value, incomplete outputs indices are willed with this value. If the incomplete argument is a pitch function (like the deparser argument), this function is used to (re)parse the values of x where from is missing. If bracket == TRUE, incomplete output values are surrounded with [], so they are easier to distinguish from the actual intervals.

The main use of the incomplete argument is in mint() and hint(). The lagged from arguments used in mint()/hint() (see previous section) are necessarily padded by abs(lag) NA values at the beginning (positive lag) or end (negative lag). These are thus "incomplete" pairs passed to int(), and can controlled using the incomplete argument. By default, both mint() and hint() set incomplete = kern(), bracket = TRUE which cause these notes to show up as bracketed kern, like [ee-] or [C#]. If incomplete is NULL, the incomplete values are simply padded with NA.

Interval classification

If the classify argument is set to TRUE, intervals are classified as either "Unison", "Step", "Skip", or "Leap". Alternatively, skips can be interpreted as leaps by setting skips = FALSE. (classify = TRUE overrides the deparser argument.)

By default, intervals are categorized tonally, meaning that the interval in tonal steps is used as the basis of classification. For example, an augmented 2nd is a step, and a diminished 3rd is a skip/leap. This means that augmented and diminished unisons are marked "Unison" as well! However, if directed = TRUE, augmented/diminished unisons will be marked with + or - to indicate direction, whereas perfect unisons are never marked with +/-.

Alternatively, you may choose to categorize intervals atonally by setting atonal = TRUE. If so, intervals are categorized based only on semitone (enharmonic) intervals: D# and Eb are classified the same.

Logical (ditto) lags

For calls to hint() and mint() the default behavior is a numeric lag argument passed to lag(). An alternate option is to specify the lag argument as logical vector the same length as the input (x argument). Rather than calculating the interval between a pitch and another pitch separated by a regular lag, a logical lag argument "lags" each pitch back to the previous value where lag == TRUE. This means that more than one interval can be calculated from those same TRUE indices.

The canonic use of this "logical lag" feature is to calculate harmonic intervals relative to the same voice, like the bass voice. For example, consider this file:

 **kern        **kern        **kern        **kern
*I"Bass      *I"Tenor       *I"Alto    *I"Soprano
      C             e             g            cc
      G             d             f             b
      C             c             e            cc             
     *-            *-            *-            *-

If we read this file and applied hint() to the Token field (with default arguments) the result would be:

 **kern        **kern        **kern        **kern
*I"Bass      *I"Tenor       *I"Alto    *I"Soprano
    [C]          +M10           +m3           +P4
    [G]           +P5           +m3           +A4
    [C]           +P8           +M3           +m6             
     *-            *-            *-            *-

In each record, we see the intervals as lagged (lag == 1) from left right: we see the intervals between the bass and the tenoir, the tenor and the alto, and the alto and the soprano. What if we wanted to see all the intervals with the bass? Well, we can use a logical lag argument, where we would specify that Spine == 1: with(humData, hint(Token, lag = Spine == 1). This means that all from values are "lagged" back to the previous value where Spine == 1. The result would be:

 **kern        **kern        **kern        **kern
*I"Bass      *I"Tenor       *I"Alto    *I"Soprano
    [C]          +M10          +P12          +P14
    [G]           +P5           +m7          +M10
    [C]           +P8          +M10          +P14             
     *-            *-            *-            *-

Now we see all the intervals relative to the bass.

The logical lag only takes place within the groupby groups. However, note that any values before the first index where lag == TRUE are calculated relative to that first value.


In many cases we want to perform lagged calculations in a vector, but not across certain boundaries. For example, if your vector includes data from multiple pieces, we wouldn't want to calculate melodic intervals between pieces, only within pieces. The groupby argument indicates one, or more, grouping vectors, which break the x (input) argument into groups. If more than groupby vectors are given, a change in any vector indicates a boundary.

Value pairs which cross between groups are treated as if they were at the beginning. Basically, using the groupby argument to a function should be similar or identical to using tapply(x, groupby, laggedFunction, ...) or using a groupby expession in a call to with(in).humdrumR. However, using a groupby argument directly is usually much faster, as they have been specially optimized for this functions.

The most common use case in humdrum data, is looking at "melodies" within spines. For this, we want groupby = list(Piece, Spine, Path). In fact, humdrumR with(in) calls will automatically feed these three fields as groupby arguments to certain functions: mint, delta, sigma, lag, ditto, ioi, sumTies, hop, wort, or wort.character. So any use of delta in a call to with(in), will automatically calculate the delta in a "melodic" way, within each spine path of each piece. However, if you wanted, for instance, to calculate differences across spines (like harmonic intervals) you could manually set groupby = list(Piece, Record).

See also

mint uses lag() to "lag" the input pitches, and also makes use of pitch parsers and pitch functions.

Other relative pitch functions: bhatk(), degree(), interval(), solfa()

Other Lagged vector functions: delta(), ditto(), lag(), sigma()


exampleToken <- c('4GG', '4G', '4E', '4F#', '4G', '4D', '4E')
results <- mint(exampleToken)
#> **interval (character)
#> [1] [GG] +P8  -m3  +M2  +m2  -P4  +M2 
results <- hint(exampleToken)
#> **interval (character)
#> [1] [GG] +P8  -m3  +M2  +m2  -P4  +M2 

exampleHumdrum <- readHumdrum(humdrumRroot, "HumdrumData/BeethovenVariations/B075_00_05_a.krn")
#> Finding and reading files...
#> 	REpath-pattern '/home/nat/.tmp/Rtmpn4KeFS/temp_libpath7af94615c2ed/humdrumR/HumdrumData/BeethovenVariations/B075_00_05_a.krn' matches 1 text files in 1 directory.
#> One file read from disk.
#> Validating one file...
#> all valid.
#> Parsing one file...
#> Assembling corpus...
#> Done!
results <- with(exampleHumdrum[[,3:4]], mint(Token))
#> **interval (character)
#>  [1] .   [F] +P5 -m6 +m6 -P5 +P5 -M9 +P8 -P8 +P8 -m7 +M6 -M6 +P5 -M2 .   [a] +m3
#> [20] -P5 +M3 -M6 +P4 P1  +M3 P1  +m3 -m3 +m3 -P4 +m3 -P4 +M3 -M3 +M6 -M6 +M6 -M6
#> [39] +P5 -M9 +A4 -P5 +m6 .  
results <- with(exampleHumdrum[[,3:4]], hint(Token))
#> **interval (character)
#>  [1] .     [F]   +P5   [E]   +m6   [F]   +P5   [BB-] +P8   [BB-] +P8   [C]  
#> [13] +M6   [C]   +P5   [F]   .     [a]   +m3   +P4   +M3   [c]   +P4   [f]  
#> [25] +M3   [a]   +m3   [a]   +m3   +P5   +m3   +P4   +M3   +P5   +M6   +P5  
#> [37] +M6   +m6   +P5   +m3   +A4   +M3   +m6   .