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These functions take vectors of rhythmic duration values and compute the metric position of each rhythmic onset. metlev() identifies the metric level of each onset; metcount() counts beats within a measure; metsubpos() measures the distance between an onset and the nearest metric beat. metcount() and metsubpos() parallel the more general timecount() and subpos() functions.


# S3 method for default
  meter = duple(5),
  pickup = NULL,
  value = TRUE,
  offBeats = TRUE,
  remainderSubdivides = FALSE,
  deparser = recip,
  groupby = list(),
  parseArgs = list()

  meter = duple(5),
  pickup = NULL,
  value = TRUE,
  offBeats = TRUE,
  remainderSubdivides = FALSE,
  deparser = recip,
  groupby = list(),
  parseArgs = list()

# S3 method for default
  meter = duple(5),
  level = tactus(meter),
  pickup = NULL,
  offBeats = TRUE,
  withinNext = FALSE,
  remainderSubdivides = FALSE,
  groupby = list(),
  parseArgs = list(),
  Exclusive = NULL

  meter = duple(5),
  level = tactus(meter),
  pickup = NULL,
  offBeats = TRUE,
  withinNext = FALSE,
  remainderSubdivides = FALSE,
  groupby = list(),
  parseArgs = list(),
  Exclusive = NULL

# S3 method for default
  meter = duple(5),
  pickup = NULL,
  deparser = duration,
  remainderSubdivides = TRUE,
  groupby = list(),
  parseArgs = list()

  meter = duple(5),
  pickup = NULL,
  deparser = duration,
  remainderSubdivides = TRUE,
  groupby = list(),
  parseArgs = list()



An input vector of rhythmic durations.

Must be a character or numeric vector.

Is parsed using rhythmInterval(); Wherever the input can't be parsed as a duration, that element is treated as a duration of zero.


The meter(s) to compute levels from.

Defaults to a standard, five-level duple (4/4) meter.

Must be a meter() object or a character vector.

For character input, the string is parsed using meter(); a failure to parse will result in an error.


Where is there a pickup (anacrusis)?

Defaults to NULL

Must be logical of same length(x), Or NULL. See "Pickups" section below.


Should the output levels be represented as rhythmic duration values?

Defaults to TRUE.

Must be a singleton logical value: an on/off switch.


Should off-beat onsets be numbered in the output, or NA?

Defaults to TRUE.

Must be a single logical value: an on/off switch.


Should off-beat onsets only be associated with beat levels that they evenly subdivide?

Defaults to FALSE.

A singleton logical value: an on/off switch.


A list of vectors to group x.

Defaults to list().

Must be a list; every element of the list must be length length(x).

To function as a by-record timeline, the groupby list music include a named Piece and Record fields. Luckily, these are automatically passed by with(in).humdrumR, so you won't need to worry about it!


An optional list of arguments passed to the rhythm parser.

Defaults to an empty list().

Must be a list of named arguments to the rhythm parser.


Which metric level should be counted?

Defaults to the tactus of the meter.

A single character value or positive natural number.

A character string input must be a recip() value, matching a beat level in the meter. A numeric input directly indicates a level in the meter, starting from the highest level (1).


Should beats be counted within the next highest beat of the meter?

Defaults to FALSE.

Must be a singleton logical value: an on/off switch.


Watch out! These met...() functions require meter information and their output is highly dependent on how you interpret meter from scores. For a full discussion of how meter can represented, parsed, and created in humdrumR, see the meter() manual. Effective use of the meter() function is essential to use of metlev(), metcount(), and metsubpos().

Metric levels

metlev() identifies the "highest" (longest) metric level that each onset lands in/on: For example, in 4/4 time:

  • An onset on the downbeat is at the highest level of all, the whole-note level;

  • An onset on beat three of the 4/4 measure is on the half-note level;

  • Onsets on the backbeats (beats two and two) fall on the quarter-note level;

  • The next level down is the eighth-note level, in between each quarter-note beat;

  • etc.

The metlev() output expresses beat levels as the duration of the the level, in recip() format by default. So the whole-note level is "1" and the quarter-note level (backbeats) is "4". You can specify a different deparsing function (like duration()) using the deparser argument. (If deparser is NULL, rational() numbers are returned.)

Another option is to express the metric levels simply as natural numbers, which you can achieve with the argument value = FALSE. In this case, the top level of the meter is 1, which each next lower-level incrementing up: i.e., the quarter-note level (of 4/4) would be 3, while the sixteenth-note level would be 5.

(Full) 4/4 meter levels

Level (recip())"1""8""4""8""2""8""4""8"
Level (value = FALSE)14342434

3/4 meter levels

Level (recip())"1""8""4""8""4""8"
Level (value = FALSE)132323

6/8 meter levels

Level (recip())"1""8""8""4.""8""8"
Level (value = FALSE)133233

Metric counts

The metcount() function counts one beat level in a metric hierarchy within the span of highest ('measure') level (by default). Which level you want to count is controlled by the level argument, which can be either a character string in recip() format or a natural number (1 is top level, 2 is next lowest level, etc.). If you tell metcount() to count the highest (measure) level in the meter, it will count bars.

An additional option is to count beats within the next highest beat (which is not necessarily the full bar). For example, if we count eighth-notes in a 6/8 meter, the default behavior is to count 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. However, if we specify withinNext = TRUE, the eighth-notes will be counted within the next highest 6/8 beat level, which is the dotted-quarter note. So the eighth notes in a bar would be counted 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3. The exact counting behavior can then be further controlled by changing exactly how the specifying meter() is specified.

(Full) 4/4 meter counts:

If withinNext = FALSE:

"1" (whole)11111111
"2" (half)11112222
"4" (quarter)11223344
"8" (eighth)12345678

If withinNext = TRUE:

"1" (whole)11111111
"2" (half)11112222
"4" (quarter)11221122
"8" (eighth)12121212

3/4 meter counts:

If withinNext = FALSE:

"2." (dotted-half)111111
"4" (quarter)112233
"8" (eighth)123456

If withinNext = TRUE:

"2." (dotted-half)111111
"4" (quarter)112233
"8" (eighth)121212

6/8 meter counts:

If withinNext = FALSE:

"2." (dotted-half)111111
"4." (dotted-quarter)111222
"8" (eighth)123456

If withinNext = TRUE:

"2." (dotted-half)111111
"4." (dotted-quarter)111222
"8" (eighth)123123

4/4 meter with no half-note level:

"1" (whole)11111111
"4" (quarter)11223344
"8" (eighth)12121212

You can do this with meter('M4/4', fill.levels = 'below').

Metric subpositions

In some cases, onsets may occur which do not land on any beat specified in the meter. This could be very fast beat levels (e.g., 32nd notes), triplets, or other tuplets. In these cases, you might consider adding these levels to the meter(); for example, if you want to have a 32nd-note level in 4/4, you could use meter('M4/4', tick = '32'). For metlev() and metcount(), the offBeats argument can be set to FALSE to cause offbeat onsets to return NA. Another option is to use metsubpos(), which measures how far an onset is from the nearest associated beat in the meter.

By default, off-beat onsets are always associated with the closets previous position in any level in the meter. If the remainderSubdivides argument is TRUE, off-beat onsets are associated with the previous metric level which the subposition makes an even subdivision of.


Another option is to pass the pickup argument a logical vector of the same length as the input x. Within each piece/group, any block of TRUE values at the beginning of the pickup vector indicate a pickup. The first index where the pickup logical is FALSE is used as the starting point of the timeline/timecount; All the earlier (pickup == TRUE) points will be negative numbers, measured backwards from the start index. In humdrumR, and datapoints before the first barline record (=) are labeled Bar == 0 in the Bar field. Thus, a common use for the pickup argument is within(humData, timeline(Token, pickup = Bar < 1), which makes the downbeat of the first complete bar 1 the starting point of the timeline---any notes in pickup bars are negative on the timeline.

See also

The timecount() and subpos() functions are more basic versions of metcount() and metsubpos(), based only on counting a single beat level, rather then a hierarchy of beat levels.


rhythm <- c('4', '8', '8', '4', '8', '16', '16','4.', '8','2')

#>  [1] "1"  "4"  "8"  "2"  "4"  "8"  "16" "1"  "8"  "2" 
metlev(rhythm, meter = 'M6/8')
#>  [1] "2." "8"  "4." "8"  "2." "8"  "16" "8"  "8"  "2."

#>  [1] 1 2 2 3 4 4 4 1 2 3
metcount(rhythm, offBeats = FALSE)
#>  [1]  1  2 NA  3  4 NA NA  1 NA  3
metcount(rhythm, meter = 'M6/8', offBeats = FALSE)
#>  [1]  1 NA  2 NA  1 NA NA NA NA  1

# chorales
chorales <- readHumdrum(humdrumRroot, 'HumdrumData/BachChorales/.*krn') 
#> Finding and reading files...
#> 	REpath-pattern '/home/nat/.tmp/Rtmpn4KeFS/temp_libpath7af94615c2ed/humdrumR/HumdrumData/BachChorales/.*krn' matches 10 text files in 1 directory.
#> Ten files read from disk.
#> Validating ten files...
#> all valid.
#> Parsing ten files...
#> Assembling corpus...
#> Done!

within(chorales, metlev(Token, pickup = Bar < 1))
#> ######################## vvv chor001.krn vvv #########################
#>      1:  !!!COM: Bach, Johann Sebastian
#>      2:  !!!CDT: 1685/02/21/-1750/07/28/
#>      3:  !!!OTL@@DE: Aus meines Herzens Grunde
#>      4:  !!!OTL@EN:      From the Depths of My Heart
#>      5:  !!!SCT: BWV 269
#>      6:  !!!PC#: 1
#>      7:  !!!AGN: chorale
#>      8:           **kern         **kern         **kern         **kern
#>      9:           *ICvox         *ICvox         *ICvox         *ICvox
#>     10:           *Ibass        *Itenor         *Ialto        *Isoprn
#>     11:          *I"Bass       *I"Tenor        *I"Alto     *I"Soprano
#>     12:        *>[A,A,B]      *>[A,A,B]      *>[A,A,B]      *>[A,A,B]
#>     13:     *>norep[A,B]   *>norep[A,B]   *>norep[A,B]   *>norep[A,B]
#>     14:              *>A            *>A            *>A            *>A
#>     15:          *clefF4       *clefGv2        *clefG2        *clefG2
#>     16:           *k[f#]         *k[f#]         *k[f#]         *k[f#]
#>     17:              *G:            *G:            *G:            *G:
#>     18:            *M3/4          *M3/4          *M3/4          *M3/4
#>     19:           *MM100         *MM100         *MM100         *MM100
#>     20:                4              4              4              4
#>     21:               =1             =1             =1             =1
#>     22:               2.             2.             2.             2.
#>     23:                4              4              4              .
#>     24:                .             16              .              .
#>     25:                4              4              4              4
#>     26:               =2             =2             =2             =2
#>     27:               2.             2.             2.             2.
#>     28:                4              4              .              .
#>     29:                .              .              .             16
#>     30:                4              4              4              4
#>     31:               =3             =3             =3             =3
#>     32:               2.             2.             2.             2.
#>     33:                .             16             16              .
#>     34:                4              4              4              .
#>     35:               16              .             16             16
#>     36:                4              4              4              4
#>     37:               =4             =4             =4             =4
#>     38:               2.             2.             2.             2.
#>     39:                4              4              4              4
#>     40:               =5             =5             =5             =5
#>     41:               2.             2.             2.             2.
#>     42:                4              4              4              .
#>     43:                4              4              4              4
#>     44:               =6             =6             =6             =6
#>     45:               2.             2.             2.             2.
#>     46:                4              4              .              4
#>     47:                4              4              4              .
#>     48:                .             16              .              .
#>     49:               =7             =7             =7             =7
#>     50:               2.             2.             2.             2.
#> 51-133::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
#> ######################## ^^^ chor001.krn ^^^ #########################
#> 		(eight more pieces...)
#> ######################## vvv chor010.krn vvv #########################
#>   1-50::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
#>     51:                4              4              4              4
#>     52:                .              .             16              .
#>     53:               =7             =7             =7             =7
#>     54:                1              1              1              1
#>     55:                4              4              4              4
#>     56:               16             16              .              .
#>     57:                4              4              4              4
#>     58:                .              .             16             16
#>     59:                4              4              4              4
#>     60:               =8             =8             =8             =8
#>     61:                1              1              1              1
#>     62:                4              4              4              4
#>     63:               =9             =9             =9             =9
#>     64:                1              1              1              1
#>     65:                4              4              4              4
#>     66:               16              .              .              .
#>     67:                4              4              4              4
#>     68:                .              .             16              .
#>     69:                4              4              4              4
#>     70:              =10            =10            =10            =10
#>     71:                1              1              1              1
#>     72:                .             16              .              .
#>     73:                4              .              4              4
#>     74:                .             16              .              .
#>     75:                4              4              4              4
#>     76:              =11            =11            =11            =11
#>     77:                1              1              1              1
#>     78:                4              4              4              4
#>     79:                4              4              4              4
#>     80:                .              .             16              .
#>     81:              =12            =12            =12            =12
#>     82:                1              1              1              1
#>     83:                4              4              4              4
#>     84:                4              4              4              4
#>     85:                4              4              .              4
#>     86:              =13            =13            =13            =13
#>     87:                1              1              1              1
#>     88:                4              4              4              .
#>     89:                4              4              4              .
#>     90:               ==             ==             ==             ==
#>     91:               *-             *-             *-             *-
#>     92:  !!!hum2abc: -Q ''
#>     93:  !!!title: @{PC#}. @{OTL@@DE}
#>     94:  !!!YOR1: 371 vierstimmige Choralges&auml;nge von Jo***
#>     95:  !!!YOR2: 4th ed. by Alfred D&ouml;rffel (Leipzig: B***
#>     96:  !!!YOR2: c.1875). 178 pp. Plate "V.A.10".  reprint:***
#>     97:  !!!YOR4: Chorales (New York: Associated Music Publi***
#>     98:  !!!SMS: B&H, 4th ed, Alfred D&ouml;rffel, c.1875, p***
#>     99:  !!!EED:  Craig Stuart Sapp
#>    100:  !!!EEV:  2009/05/22
#> ######################## ^^^ chor010.krn ^^^ #########################
#>               (***five global comments truncated due to screen size***)
#> 	humdrumR corpus of ten pieces.
#>    Data fields: 
#> 	         Token                                      :: character
#> 	        *humdrumR:::metlev(Token, pickup = Bar < 1) :: character

within(chorales, metcount(Token, pickup = Bar < 1, fill.levels = 'below'))
#> ######################## vvv chor001.krn vvv #########################
#>      1:  !!!COM: Bach, Johann Sebastian
#>      2:  !!!CDT: 1685/02/21/-1750/07/28/
#>      3:  !!!OTL@@DE: Aus meines Herzens Grunde
#>      4:  !!!OTL@EN:      From the Depths of My Heart
#>      5:  !!!SCT: BWV 269
#>      6:  !!!PC#: 1
#>      7:  !!!AGN: chorale
#>      8:           **kern         **kern         **kern         **kern
#>      9:           *ICvox         *ICvox         *ICvox         *ICvox
#>     10:           *Ibass        *Itenor         *Ialto        *Isoprn
#>     11:          *I"Bass       *I"Tenor        *I"Alto     *I"Soprano
#>     12:        *>[A,A,B]      *>[A,A,B]      *>[A,A,B]      *>[A,A,B]
#>     13:     *>norep[A,B]   *>norep[A,B]   *>norep[A,B]   *>norep[A,B]
#>     14:              *>A            *>A            *>A            *>A
#>     15:          *clefF4       *clefGv2        *clefG2        *clefG2
#>     16:           *k[f#]         *k[f#]         *k[f#]         *k[f#]
#>     17:              *G:            *G:            *G:            *G:
#>     18:            *M3/4          *M3/4          *M3/4          *M3/4
#>     19:           *MM100         *MM100         *MM100         *MM100
#>     20:                3              3              3              3
#>     21:               =1             =1             =1             =1
#>     22:                1              1              1              1
#>     23:                2              2              2              .
#>     24:                .              2              .              .
#>     25:                3              3              3              3
#>     26:               =2             =2             =2             =2
#>     27:                1              1              1              1
#>     28:                2              2              .              .
#>     29:                .              .              .              2
#>     30:                3              3              3              3
#>     31:               =3             =3             =3             =3
#>     32:                1              1              1              1
#>     33:                .              1              1              .
#>     34:                2              2              2              .
#>     35:                2              .              2              2
#>     36:                3              3              3              3
#>     37:               =4             =4             =4             =4
#>     38:                1              1              1              1
#>     39:                3              3              3              3
#>     40:               =5             =5             =5             =5
#>     41:                1              1              1              1
#>     42:                2              2              2              .
#>     43:                3              3              3              3
#>     44:               =6             =6             =6             =6
#>     45:                1              1              1              1
#>     46:                2              2              .              2
#>     47:                3              3              3              .
#>     48:                .              3              .              .
#>     49:               =7             =7             =7             =7
#>     50:                1              1              1              1
#> 51-133::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
#> ######################## ^^^ chor001.krn ^^^ #########################
#> 		(eight more pieces...)
#> ######################## vvv chor010.krn vvv #########################
#>   1-50::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
#>     51:                4              4              4              4
#>     52:                .              .              4              .
#>     53:               =7             =7             =7             =7
#>     54:                1              1              1              1
#>     55:                2              2              2              2
#>     56:                2              2              .              .
#>     57:                3              3              3              3
#>     58:                .              .              3              3
#>     59:                4              4              4              4
#>     60:               =8             =8             =8             =8
#>     61:                1              1              1              1
#>     62:                3              3              3              3
#>     63:               =9             =9             =9             =9
#>     64:                1              1              1              1
#>     65:                2              2              2              2
#>     66:                2              .              .              .
#>     67:                3              3              3              3
#>     68:                .              .              3              .
#>     69:                4              4              4              4
#>     70:              =10            =10            =10            =10
#>     71:                1              1              1              1
#>     72:                .              1              .              .
#>     73:                2              .              2              2
#>     74:                .              2              .              .
#>     75:                3              3              3              3
#>     76:              =11            =11            =11            =11
#>     77:                1              1              1              1
#>     78:                3              3              3              3
#>     79:                4              4              4              4
#>     80:                .              .              4              .
#>     81:              =12            =12            =12            =12
#>     82:                1              1              1              1
#>     83:                2              2              2              2
#>     84:                3              3              3              3
#>     85:                4              4              .              4
#>     86:              =13            =13            =13            =13
#>     87:                1              1              1              1
#>     88:                2              2              2              .
#>     89:                3              3              3              .
#>     90:               ==             ==             ==             ==
#>     91:               *-             *-             *-             *-
#>     92:  !!!hum2abc: -Q ''
#>     93:  !!!title: @{PC#}. @{OTL@@DE}
#>     94:  !!!YOR1: 371 vierstimmige Choralges&auml;nge von Jo***
#>     95:  !!!YOR2: 4th ed. by Alfred D&ouml;rffel (Leipzig: B***
#>     96:  !!!YOR2: c.1875). 178 pp. Plate "V.A.10".  reprint:***
#>     97:  !!!YOR4: Chorales (New York: Associated Music Publi***
#>     98:  !!!SMS: B&H, 4th ed, Alfred D&ouml;rffel, c.1875, p***
#>     99:  !!!EED:  Craig Stuart Sapp
#>    100:  !!!EEV:  2009/05/22
#> ######################## ^^^ chor010.krn ^^^ #########################
#>               (***five global comments truncated due to screen size***)
#> 	humdrumR corpus of ten pieces.
#>    Data fields: 
#> 	         Token                                                               :: character
#> 	        *humdrumR:::metcount(Token, pickup = Bar < 1, fill.levels = "below") :: numeric