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HumdrumR defines subset() (base R) and filter() (tidyverse) methods for humdrumR data---these two .humdrumR methods are synonymous, working exactly the same. They are used to "filter" the contents of the underlying humdrum table. R's standard indexing operators ([] and [[]]) can also be used to filter data--- you can read about these indexing options here---however, the subset()/filter() can accomplish much more sophisticated filtering commands than the indexing methods.

Filtering with subset()/filter() is (by default) not destructive, allowing you to recover the filtered data using removeSubset() or unfilter() (which are also synonyms).


# S3 method for humdrumR
subset(x, ..., dataTypes = "D", .by = NULL, removeEmptyPieces = TRUE)

# S3 method for humdrumR
filter(.data, ..., dataTypes = "D", .by = NULL, removeEmptyPieces = TRUE)







removeSubset(humdrumR, fields = dataFields(humdrumR), complement = NULL)

unfilter(humdrumR, fields = dataFields(humdrumR), complement = NULL)

complement(humdrumR, fields = dataFields(humdrumR))


x, .data, humdrumR

HumdrumR data.

Must be a humdrumR data object.


Arbitrary expressions passed to with(in).

The "within" expression(s) must evaluate to either scalar or full-length logical values.


Which types of humdrum records to include.

Defaults to "D".

Must be a single character string. Legal values are 'G', 'L', 'I', 'M', 'D', 'd' or any combination of these (e.g., "LIM"). (See the humdrum table documentation Fields section for explanation.)


Optional grouping fields; an alternative to using group_by().

Defaults to NULL.

Must be NULL, or character strings which partially match one or more fields() in the data.

If not NULL, these fields are used to group the data. If grouping fields have already been set by a call to group_by(), the .by argument overrides them.


Should empty pieces be removed?

Defaults to TRUE.

Must be a singleton logical value: an on/off switch.


Which fields to unfilter or complement?

Defaults to all data fields in the humdrumR data.

Must be character strings, partially matching data field in the input data.


Which field to use as the subset complement to restore?

By default NULL, which means each data field's original complement is used.

Must be a single character string, partially matching a field in the input data.


subset() and filter() are passed one or more expressions which are using the fields of the humdrum table using a call to within. This evaluation can thus include all of within.humdrumR()'s functionality (and arguments) including group-apply. The only requirement is that the expressions/functions fed to subset()/filter() must be return a logical (TRUE/FALSE) vector (NA values are treated as FALSE). The returned vector must either be scalar (length 1), or be the same length as the input data (the number of rows in the humdrum table). If the logical result is scalar, it will be recycled to match the input length: this is useful in combination with group_by(); for example, you can split the data into groups, then return a single TRUE or FALSE for each group, causing the whole group to be filtered or not.

Note that subset()/filter() are incompatible with contextual windows; if your data has contextual windows defined, they will be removed (with a warning message) before filtering.

Nullifying data

When using subset()/filter(), humdrumR doesn't actually delete the data you filter out. Instead, what these functions do is set all filtered data fields to NA (null) values, and changing their data type to "d". This ensures that the humdrum-syntax of the data is not broken by filtering! Thus, when you print a filtered humdrumR object you'll see all the filtered data points turned to null data (.). Since, most humdrumR functions ignore null data (d) by default, the data is effectively filtered out for most practical purposes. However, if you need to use those null ('d') data points (like, with ditto()), they can be accessed by setting dataTypes = 'Dd' in many functions. See the ditto() documentation for examples.

Truly removing data

In many cases, filtering out large parts of your data leaves a bunch of empty null data points (".") in your printout...which maybe be difficult to read. If you want to actually remove these filtered data points, you can call removeEmptyFiles(), removeEmptyPieces(), removeEmptySpines(), removeEmptyPaths(), removeEmptyRecords(), or removeEmptyStops(). These functions will safely remove null data without breaking the humdrum syntax; They do this by going through each piece/spine/path/record and checking if all the data in that region is null; if, and only if, all the data is null, that portion of data will be removed.

By default, subset.humdrumR() automatically calls removeEmptyPieces() before returning. However, you can stop this by specifying removeEmptyPieces = FALSE.


If filtered pieces, files, or spines are removed from a corpus (using removeEmptyPieces() or removeEmptySpines()) the File, Piece, Record and/or Spine fields are renumbered to represented the remaining regions, starting from 1. For example, if you have a corpus of 10 pieces and remove the first piece (Piece == 1), the remaining pieces are renumbered from 2:10 to 1:9. Spine/record renumbering works the same, except it is done independently within each piece.

Complements (unfiltering)

When subset() is applied, humdrumR stores the complement of the subset of each data field is retained (unless an explicit removeEmpty...() function is called). The removeSubset() or unfilter() functions can be used to restore the original data, by combining the subset with the complement. The fields argument can be used to control which data fields are unfiltered---by default, all data fields are unfiltered.

Normally, each data field is restored with its own complement data. However, the complement argument can be used to specify an field to use as the complement. This allows you to, for instance, different parts of separate fields into a single field.

The complement() function will directly swap the data-field subsets with their complements.

See also

The indexing operators [] and [[]] can be used as shortcuts for common subset calls.


humData <- readHumdrum(humdrumRroot, "HumdrumData/BachChorales/chor00[1-4].krn")
#> Finding and reading files...
#> 	REpath-pattern '/home/nat/.tmp/Rtmpz26RCR/temp_libpatha780af15d1/humdrumR/HumdrumData/BachChorales/chor00[1-4].krn' matches 4 text files in 1 directory.
#> Four files read from disk.
#> Validating four files...
#> all valid.
#> Parsing four files...
#> Assembling corpus...
#> Done!

# remove spine 1 (non destructive)
humData |> subset(Spine > 1)
#> ######################## vvv chor001.krn vvv #########################
#>      1:  !!!COM: Bach, Johann Sebastian
#>      2:  !!!CDT: 1685/02/21/-1750/07/28/
#>      3:  !!!OTL@@DE: Aus meines Herzens Grunde
#>      4:  !!!OTL@EN:      From the Depths of My Heart
#>      5:  !!!SCT: BWV 269
#>      6:  !!!PC#: 1
#>      7:  !!!AGN: chorale
#>      8:           **kern         **kern         **kern         **kern
#>      9:           *ICvox         *ICvox         *ICvox         *ICvox
#>     10:           *Ibass        *Itenor         *Ialto        *Isoprn
#>     11:          *I"Bass       *I"Tenor        *I"Alto     *I"Soprano
#>     12:        *>[A,A,B]      *>[A,A,B]      *>[A,A,B]      *>[A,A,B]
#>     13:     *>norep[A,B]   *>norep[A,B]   *>norep[A,B]   *>norep[A,B]
#>     14:              *>A            *>A            *>A            *>A
#>     15:          *clefF4       *clefGv2        *clefG2        *clefG2
#>     16:           *k[f#]         *k[f#]         *k[f#]         *k[f#]
#>     17:              *G:            *G:            *G:            *G:
#>     18:            *M3/4          *M3/4          *M3/4          *M3/4
#>     19:           *MM100         *MM100         *MM100         *MM100
#>     20:                .             4B             4d             4g
#>     21:               =1             =1             =1             =1
#>     22:                .             4B             4d             2g
#>     23:                .            8cL             4e              .
#>     24:                .            8BJ              .              .
#>     25:                .             4A             4d            4dd
#>     26:               =2             =2             =2             =2
#>     27:                .             4G             2d            4.b
#>     28:                .            4F#              .              .
#>     29:                .              .              .             8a
#>     30:                .             4G             4B             4g
#>     31:               =3             =3             =3             =3
#>     32:                .            8cL            8eL            4.g
#>     33:                .            8BJ             8d              .
#>     34:                .             4c             8e              .
#>     35:                .              .           8f#J             8a
#>     36:                .             4d             4g             4b
#>     37:               =4             =4             =4             =4
#>     38:                .            2d;           2f#;            2a;
#>     39:                .             4d             4g             4b
#>     40:               =5             =5             =5             =5
#>     41:                .             4A             4d            2dd
#>     42:                .             4B             4e              .
#>     43:                .             4c            4f#            4cc
#>     44:               =6             =6             =6             =6
#>     45:                .             4d             2g             4b
#>     46:                .             4e              .             2a
#>     47:                .            8dL            4f#              .
#>     48:                .            8cJ              .              .
#>     49:               =7             =7             =7             =7
#>     50:                .            2B;            2d;            2g;
#> 51-133::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
#> ######################## ^^^ chor001.krn ^^^ #########################
#> 		(two more pieces...)
#> ######################## vvv chor004.krn vvv #########################
#>   1-53::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
#>     54:                .            4G#            8eL             4b
#>     55:                .              .           8f#J              .
#>     56:               =5             =5             =5             =5
#>     57:                .            4c#           8g#L            4ee
#>     58:                .              .           8a#J              .
#>     59:                .            4F#             4b           4dd#
#>     60:                .              .              .              .
#>     61:                .            4f#            4a#           4cc#
#>     62:                .            4f#             4b           4dd#
#>     63:               =6             =6             =6             =6
#>     64:                .             4B             4b           8eeL
#>     65:                .              .              .          8dd#J
#>     66:                .            4A#            4f#           4cc#
#>     67:                .           4d#;           4f#;            4b;
#>     68:                .             4e            4g#             4b
#>     69:               =7             =7             =7             =7
#>     70:                .             4B            8eL            4ee
#>     71:                .              .           8f#J              .
#>     72:                .             4e            4g#             4b
#>     73:                .             4e             4a           4cc#
#>     74:                .              .              .              .
#>     75:                .            4c#            8eL           8g#L
#>     76:                .              .           8f#J            8aJ
#>     77:               =8             =8             =8             =8
#>     78:                .             4d            4g#             4b
#>     79:                .            4c#            4f#             4a
#>     80:                .           4c#;           4e#;           4g#;
#>     81:                .            [4B             4e            4g#
#>     82:               =9             =9             =9             =9
#>     83:                .            4B]            4d#            4f#
#>     84:                .             4e            4c#             4a
#>     85:                .              .              .              .
#>     86:                .             4e             4B            4g#
#>     87:                .           8d#L             4B            4f#
#>     88:                .            8BJ              .              .
#>     89:              =10            =10            =10            =10
#>     90:                .            2F#            4c#            4c#
#>     91:                .              .             4B            4d#
#>     92:                .           4G#;            4B;            4e;
#>     93:               ==             ==             ==             ==
#>     94:               *-             *-             *-             *-
#>     95:  !!!hum2abc: -Q ''
#>     96:  !!!title: @{PC#}. @{OTL@@DE}
#>     97:  !!!YOR1: 371 vierstimmige Choralges&auml;nge von Jo***
#>     98:  !!!YOR2: 4th ed. by Alfred D&ouml;rffel (Leipzig: B***
#>     99:  !!!YOR2: c.1875). 178 pp. Plate "V.A.10".  reprint:***
#>    100:  !!!YOR4: Chorales (New York: Associated Music Publi***
#>    101:  !!!SMS: B&H, 4th ed, Alfred D&ouml;rffel, c.1875, p***
#>    102:  !!!EED:  Craig Stuart Sapp
#>    103:  !!!EEV:  2009/05/22
#> ######################## ^^^ chor004.krn ^^^ #########################
#>               (***five global comments truncated due to screen size***)
#> 	humdrumR corpus of four pieces.
#>    Data fields: 
#> 	        *Token :: character

# remove spine 1 (destructive)
humData |> subset(Spine > 1) |> removeEmptySpines()
#> ######################## vvv chor001.krn vvv #########################
#>      1:  !!!COM: Bach, Johann Sebastian
#>      2:  !!!CDT: 1685/02/21/-1750/07/28/
#>      3:  !!!OTL@@DE: Aus meines Herzens Grunde
#>      4:  !!!OTL@EN:      From the Depths of My Heart
#>      5:  !!!SCT: BWV 269
#>      6:  !!!PC#: 1
#>      7:  !!!AGN: chorale
#>      8:                **kern              **kern              **kern
#>      9:                *ICvox              *ICvox              *ICvox
#>     10:               *Itenor              *Ialto             *Isoprn
#>     11:              *I"Tenor             *I"Alto          *I"Soprano
#>     12:             *>[A,A,B]           *>[A,A,B]           *>[A,A,B]
#>     13:          *>norep[A,B]        *>norep[A,B]        *>norep[A,B]
#>     14:                   *>A                 *>A                 *>A
#>     15:              *clefGv2             *clefG2             *clefG2
#>     16:                *k[f#]              *k[f#]              *k[f#]
#>     17:                   *G:                 *G:                 *G:
#>     18:                 *M3/4               *M3/4               *M3/4
#>     19:                *MM100              *MM100              *MM100
#>     20:                    4B                  4d                  4g
#>     21:                    =1                  =1                  =1
#>     22:                    4B                  4d                  2g
#>     23:                   8cL                  4e                   .
#>     24:                   8BJ                   .                   .
#>     25:                    4A                  4d                 4dd
#>     26:                    =2                  =2                  =2
#>     27:                    4G                  2d                 4.b
#>     28:                   4F#                   .                   .
#>     29:                     .                   .                  8a
#>     30:                    4G                  4B                  4g
#>     31:                    =3                  =3                  =3
#>     32:                   8cL                 8eL                 4.g
#>     33:                   8BJ                  8d                   .
#>     34:                    4c                  8e                   .
#>     35:                     .                8f#J                  8a
#>     36:                    4d                  4g                  4b
#>     37:                    =4                  =4                  =4
#>     38:                   2d;                2f#;                 2a;
#>     39:                    4d                  4g                  4b
#>     40:                    =5                  =5                  =5
#>     41:                    4A                  4d                 2dd
#>     42:                    4B                  4e                   .
#>     43:                    4c                 4f#                 4cc
#>     44:                    =6                  =6                  =6
#>     45:                    4d                  2g                  4b
#>     46:                    4e                   .                  2a
#>     47:                   8dL                 4f#                   .
#>     48:                   8cJ                   .                   .
#>     49:                    =7                  =7                  =7
#>     50:                   2B;                 2d;                 2g;
#> 51-133::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
#> ######################## ^^^ chor001.krn ^^^ #########################
#> 		(two more pieces...)
#> ######################## vvv chor004.krn vvv #########################
#>   1-53::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
#>     54:                   4G#                 8eL                  4b
#>     55:                     .                8f#J                   .
#>     56:                    =5                  =5                  =5
#>     57:                   4c#                8g#L                 4ee
#>     58:                     .                8a#J                   .
#>     59:                   4F#                  4b                4dd#
#>     60:                     .                   .                   .
#>     61:                   4f#                 4a#                4cc#
#>     62:                   4f#                  4b                4dd#
#>     63:                    =6                  =6                  =6
#>     64:                    4B                  4b                8eeL
#>     65:                     .                   .               8dd#J
#>     66:                   4A#                 4f#                4cc#
#>     67:                  4d#;                4f#;                 4b;
#>     68:                    4e                 4g#                  4b
#>     69:                    =7                  =7                  =7
#>     70:                    4B                 8eL                 4ee
#>     71:                     .                8f#J                   .
#>     72:                    4e                 4g#                  4b
#>     73:                    4e                  4a                4cc#
#>     74:                     .                   .                   .
#>     75:                   4c#                 8eL                8g#L
#>     76:                     .                8f#J                 8aJ
#>     77:                    =8                  =8                  =8
#>     78:                    4d                 4g#                  4b
#>     79:                   4c#                 4f#                  4a
#>     80:                  4c#;                4e#;                4g#;
#>     81:                   [4B                  4e                 4g#
#>     82:                    =9                  =9                  =9
#>     83:                   4B]                 4d#                 4f#
#>     84:                    4e                 4c#                  4a
#>     85:                     .                   .                   .
#>     86:                    4e                  4B                 4g#
#>     87:                  8d#L                  4B                 4f#
#>     88:                   8BJ                   .                   .
#>     89:                   =10                 =10                 =10
#>     90:                   2F#                 4c#                 4c#
#>     91:                     .                  4B                 4d#
#>     92:                  4G#;                 4B;                 4e;
#>     93:                    ==                  ==                  ==
#>     94:                    *-                  *-                  *-
#>     95:  !!!hum2abc: -Q ''
#>     96:  !!!title: @{PC#}. @{OTL@@DE}
#>     97:  !!!YOR1: 371 vierstimmige Choralges&auml;nge von Jo***
#>     98:  !!!YOR2: 4th ed. by Alfred D&ouml;rffel (Leipzig: B***
#>     99:  !!!YOR2: c.1875). 178 pp. Plate "V.A.10".  reprint:***
#>    100:  !!!YOR4: Chorales (New York: Associated Music Publi***
#>    101:  !!!SMS: B&H, 4th ed, Alfred D&ouml;rffel, c.1875, p***
#>    102:  !!!EED:  Craig Stuart Sapp
#>    103:  !!!EEV:  2009/05/22
#> ######################## ^^^ chor004.krn ^^^ #########################
#>               (***five global comments truncated due to screen size***)
#> 	humdrumR corpus of four pieces.
#>    Data fields: 
#> 	        *Token :: character

# remove odd numbered bars

humData |> group_by(Bar) |> subset(Bar[1] %% 2 == 1)
#> ######################## vvv chor001.krn vvv #########################
#>      1:  !!!COM: Bach, Johann Sebastian
#>      2:  !!!CDT: 1685/02/21/-1750/07/28/
#>      3:  !!!OTL@@DE: Aus meines Herzens Grunde
#>      4:  !!!OTL@EN:      From the Depths of My Heart
#>      5:  !!!SCT: BWV 269
#>      6:  !!!PC#: 1
#>      7:  !!!AGN: chorale
#>      8:           **kern         **kern         **kern         **kern
#>      9:           *ICvox         *ICvox         *ICvox         *ICvox
#>     10:           *Ibass        *Itenor         *Ialto        *Isoprn
#>     11:          *I"Bass       *I"Tenor        *I"Alto     *I"Soprano
#>     12:        *>[A,A,B]      *>[A,A,B]      *>[A,A,B]      *>[A,A,B]
#>     13:     *>norep[A,B]   *>norep[A,B]   *>norep[A,B]   *>norep[A,B]
#>     14:              *>A            *>A            *>A            *>A
#>     15:          *clefF4       *clefGv2        *clefG2        *clefG2
#>     16:           *k[f#]         *k[f#]         *k[f#]         *k[f#]
#>     17:              *G:            *G:            *G:            *G:
#>     18:            *M3/4          *M3/4          *M3/4          *M3/4
#>     19:           *MM100         *MM100         *MM100         *MM100
#>     20:                .              .              .              .
#>     21:               =1             =1             =1             =1
#>     22:               4G             4B             4d             2g
#>     23:               4E            8cL             4e              .
#>     24:                .            8BJ              .              .
#>     25:              4F#             4A             4d            4dd
#>     26:               =2             =2             =2             =2
#>     27:                .              .              .              .
#>     28:                .              .              .              .
#>     29:                .              .              .              .
#>     30:                .              .              .              .
#>     31:               =3             =3             =3             =3
#>     32:               4C            8cL            8eL            4.g
#>     33:                .            8BJ             8d              .
#>     34:             8BBL             4c             8e              .
#>     35:             8AAJ              .           8f#J             8a
#>     36:              4GG             4d             4g             4b
#>     37:               =4             =4             =4             =4
#>     38:                .              .              .              .
#>     39:                .              .              .              .
#>     40:               =5             =5             =5             =5
#>     41:             4FF#             4A             4d            2dd
#>     42:              4GG             4B             4e              .
#>     43:              4AA             4c            4f#            4cc
#>     44:               =6             =6             =6             =6
#>     45:                .              .              .              .
#>     46:                .              .              .              .
#>     47:                .              .              .              .
#>     48:                .              .              .              .
#>     49:               =7             =7             =7             =7
#>     50:             2GG;            2B;            2d;            2g;
#> 51-133::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
#> ######################## ^^^ chor001.krn ^^^ #########################
#> 		(two more pieces...)
#> ######################## vvv chor004.krn vvv #########################
#>   1-53::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
#>     54:               4E            4G#            8eL             4b
#>     55:                .              .           8f#J              .
#>     56:               =5             =5             =5             =5
#>     57:                .              .              .              .
#>     58:                .              .              .              .
#>     59:                .              .              .              .
#>     60:                .              .              .              .
#>     61:                .              .              .              .
#>     62:                .              .              .              .
#>     63:               =6             =6             =6             =6
#>     64:             8G#L             4B             4b           8eeL
#>     65:              8EJ              .              .          8dd#J
#>     66:              4F#            4A#            4f#           4cc#
#>     67:             4BB;           4d#;           4f#;            4b;
#>     68:               4E             4e            4g#             4b
#>     69:               =7             =7             =7             =7
#>     70:                .              .              .              .
#>     71:                .              .              .              .
#>     72:                .              .              .              .
#>     73:                .              .              .              .
#>     74:                .              .              .              .
#>     75:                .              .              .              .
#>     76:                .              .              .              .
#>     77:               =8             =8             =8             =8
#>     78:              4E#             4d            4g#             4b
#>     79:              4F#            4c#            4f#             4a
#>     80:             4C#;           4c#;           4e#;           4g#;
#>     81:               4E            [4B             4e            4g#
#>     82:               =9             =9             =9             =9
#>     83:                .              .              .              .
#>     84:                .              .              .              .
#>     85:                .              .              .              .
#>     86:                .              .              .              .
#>     87:                .              .              .              .
#>     88:                .              .              .              .
#>     89:              =10            =10            =10            =10
#>     90:             4AA#            2F#            4c#            4c#
#>     91:              4BB              .             4B            4d#
#>     92:             4EE;           4G#;            4B;            4e;
#>     93:               ==             ==             ==             ==
#>     94:               *-             *-             *-             *-
#>     95:  !!!hum2abc: -Q ''
#>     96:  !!!title: @{PC#}. @{OTL@@DE}
#>     97:  !!!YOR1: 371 vierstimmige Choralges&auml;nge von Jo***
#>     98:  !!!YOR2: 4th ed. by Alfred D&ouml;rffel (Leipzig: B***
#>     99:  !!!YOR2: c.1875). 178 pp. Plate "V.A.10".  reprint:***
#>    100:  !!!YOR4: Chorales (New York: Associated Music Publi***
#>    101:  !!!SMS: B&H, 4th ed, Alfred D&ouml;rffel, c.1875, p***
#>    102:  !!!EED:  Craig Stuart Sapp
#>    103:  !!!EEV:  2009/05/22
#> ######################## ^^^ chor004.krn ^^^ #########################
#>               (***five global comments truncated due to screen size***)
#> 	humdrumR corpus of four pieces.
#>    Data fields: 
#> 	        *Token :: character
#>    Grouping fields: (eleven groups)
#> 	         Bar   :: integer

# unfiltering and complement

humData |> filter(Spine %in% 1:2) |> complement()
#> ######################## vvv chor001.krn vvv #########################
#>      1:  !!!COM: Bach, Johann Sebastian
#>      2:  !!!CDT: 1685/02/21/-1750/07/28/
#>      3:  !!!OTL@@DE: Aus meines Herzens Grunde
#>      4:  !!!OTL@EN:      From the Depths of My Heart
#>      5:  !!!SCT: BWV 269
#>      6:  !!!PC#: 1
#>      7:  !!!AGN: chorale
#>      8:           **kern         **kern         **kern         **kern
#>      9:           *ICvox         *ICvox         *ICvox         *ICvox
#>     10:           *Ibass        *Itenor         *Ialto        *Isoprn
#>     11:          *I"Bass       *I"Tenor        *I"Alto     *I"Soprano
#>     12:        *>[A,A,B]      *>[A,A,B]      *>[A,A,B]      *>[A,A,B]
#>     13:     *>norep[A,B]   *>norep[A,B]   *>norep[A,B]   *>norep[A,B]
#>     14:              *>A            *>A            *>A            *>A
#>     15:          *clefF4       *clefGv2        *clefG2        *clefG2
#>     16:           *k[f#]         *k[f#]         *k[f#]         *k[f#]
#>     17:              *G:            *G:            *G:            *G:
#>     18:            *M3/4          *M3/4          *M3/4          *M3/4
#>     19:           *MM100         *MM100         *MM100         *MM100
#>     20:                .              .             4d             4g
#>     21:               =1             =1             =1             =1
#>     22:                .              .             4d             2g
#>     23:                .              .             4e              .
#>     24:                .              .              .              .
#>     25:                .              .             4d            4dd
#>     26:               =2             =2             =2             =2
#>     27:                .              .             2d            4.b
#>     28:                .              .              .              .
#>     29:                .              .              .             8a
#>     30:                .              .             4B             4g
#>     31:               =3             =3             =3             =3
#>     32:                .              .            8eL            4.g
#>     33:                .              .             8d              .
#>     34:                .              .             8e              .
#>     35:                .              .           8f#J             8a
#>     36:                .              .             4g             4b
#>     37:               =4             =4             =4             =4
#>     38:                .              .           2f#;            2a;
#>     39:                .              .             4g             4b
#>     40:               =5             =5             =5             =5
#>     41:                .              .             4d            2dd
#>     42:                .              .             4e              .
#>     43:                .              .            4f#            4cc
#>     44:               =6             =6             =6             =6
#>     45:                .              .             2g             4b
#>     46:                .              .              .             2a
#>     47:                .              .            4f#              .
#>     48:                .              .              .              .
#>     49:               =7             =7             =7             =7
#>     50:                .              .            2d;            2g;
#> 51-133::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
#> ######################## ^^^ chor001.krn ^^^ #########################
#> 		(two more pieces...)
#> ######################## vvv chor004.krn vvv #########################
#>   1-53::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
#>     54:                .              .            8eL             4b
#>     55:                .              .           8f#J              .
#>     56:               =5             =5             =5             =5
#>     57:                .              .           8g#L            4ee
#>     58:                .              .           8a#J              .
#>     59:                .              .             4b           4dd#
#>     60:                .              .              .              .
#>     61:                .              .            4a#           4cc#
#>     62:                .              .             4b           4dd#
#>     63:               =6             =6             =6             =6
#>     64:                .              .             4b           8eeL
#>     65:                .              .              .          8dd#J
#>     66:                .              .            4f#           4cc#
#>     67:                .              .           4f#;            4b;
#>     68:                .              .            4g#             4b
#>     69:               =7             =7             =7             =7
#>     70:                .              .            8eL            4ee
#>     71:                .              .           8f#J              .
#>     72:                .              .            4g#             4b
#>     73:                .              .             4a           4cc#
#>     74:                .              .              .              .
#>     75:                .              .            8eL           8g#L
#>     76:                .              .           8f#J            8aJ
#>     77:               =8             =8             =8             =8
#>     78:                .              .            4g#             4b
#>     79:                .              .            4f#             4a
#>     80:                .              .           4e#;           4g#;
#>     81:                .              .             4e            4g#
#>     82:               =9             =9             =9             =9
#>     83:                .              .            4d#            4f#
#>     84:                .              .            4c#             4a
#>     85:                .              .              .              .
#>     86:                .              .             4B            4g#
#>     87:                .              .             4B            4f#
#>     88:                .              .              .              .
#>     89:              =10            =10            =10            =10
#>     90:                .              .            4c#            4c#
#>     91:                .              .             4B            4d#
#>     92:                .              .            4B;            4e;
#>     93:               ==             ==             ==             ==
#>     94:               *-             *-             *-             *-
#>     95:  !!!hum2abc: -Q ''
#>     96:  !!!title: @{PC#}. @{OTL@@DE}
#>     97:  !!!YOR1: 371 vierstimmige Choralges&auml;nge von Jo***
#>     98:  !!!YOR2: 4th ed. by Alfred D&ouml;rffel (Leipzig: B***
#>     99:  !!!YOR2: c.1875). 178 pp. Plate "V.A.10".  reprint:***
#>    100:  !!!YOR4: Chorales (New York: Associated Music Publi***
#>    101:  !!!SMS: B&H, 4th ed, Alfred D&ouml;rffel, c.1875, p***
#>    102:  !!!EED:  Craig Stuart Sapp
#>    103:  !!!EEV:  2009/05/22
#> ######################## ^^^ chor004.krn ^^^ #########################
#>               (***five global comments truncated due to screen size***)
#> 	humdrumR corpus of four pieces.
#>    Data fields: 
#> 	        *Token :: character

humData |> filter(Spine %in% 1:2) |> unfilter()
#> ######################## vvv chor001.krn vvv #########################
#>      1:  !!!COM: Bach, Johann Sebastian
#>      2:  !!!CDT: 1685/02/21/-1750/07/28/
#>      3:  !!!OTL@@DE: Aus meines Herzens Grunde
#>      4:  !!!OTL@EN:      From the Depths of My Heart
#>      5:  !!!SCT: BWV 269
#>      6:  !!!PC#: 1
#>      7:  !!!AGN: chorale
#>      8:           **kern         **kern         **kern         **kern
#>      9:           *ICvox         *ICvox         *ICvox         *ICvox
#>     10:           *Ibass        *Itenor         *Ialto        *Isoprn
#>     11:          *I"Bass       *I"Tenor        *I"Alto     *I"Soprano
#>     12:        *>[A,A,B]      *>[A,A,B]      *>[A,A,B]      *>[A,A,B]
#>     13:     *>norep[A,B]   *>norep[A,B]   *>norep[A,B]   *>norep[A,B]
#>     14:              *>A            *>A            *>A            *>A
#>     15:          *clefF4       *clefGv2        *clefG2        *clefG2
#>     16:           *k[f#]         *k[f#]         *k[f#]         *k[f#]
#>     17:              *G:            *G:            *G:            *G:
#>     18:            *M3/4          *M3/4          *M3/4          *M3/4
#>     19:           *MM100         *MM100         *MM100         *MM100
#>     20:              4GG             4B             4d             4g
#>     21:               =1             =1             =1             =1
#>     22:               4G             4B             4d             2g
#>     23:               4E            8cL             4e              .
#>     24:                .            8BJ              .              .
#>     25:              4F#             4A             4d            4dd
#>     26:               =2             =2             =2             =2
#>     27:               4G             4G             2d            4.b
#>     28:               4D            4F#              .              .
#>     29:                .              .              .             8a
#>     30:               4E             4G             4B             4g
#>     31:               =3             =3             =3             =3
#>     32:               4C            8cL            8eL            4.g
#>     33:                .            8BJ             8d              .
#>     34:             8BBL             4c             8e              .
#>     35:             8AAJ              .           8f#J             8a
#>     36:              4GG             4d             4g             4b
#>     37:               =4             =4             =4             =4
#>     38:              2D;            2d;           2f#;            2a;
#>     39:              4GG             4d             4g             4b
#>     40:               =5             =5             =5             =5
#>     41:             4FF#             4A             4d            2dd
#>     42:              4GG             4B             4e              .
#>     43:              4AA             4c            4f#            4cc
#>     44:               =6             =6             =6             =6
#>     45:              4BB             4d             2g             4b
#>     46:               4C             4e              .             2a
#>     47:               4D            8dL            4f#              .
#>     48:                .            8cJ              .              .
#>     49:               =7             =7             =7             =7
#>     50:             2GG;            2B;            2d;            2g;
#> 51-133::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
#> ######################## ^^^ chor001.krn ^^^ #########################
#> 		(two more pieces...)
#> ######################## vvv chor004.krn vvv #########################
#>   1-53::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
#>     54:               4E            4G#            8eL             4b
#>     55:                .              .           8f#J              .
#>     56:               =5             =5             =5             =5
#>     57:              4C#            4c#           8g#L            4ee
#>     58:                .              .           8a#J              .
#>     59:             8D#L            4F#             4b           4dd#
#>     60:              8EJ              .              .              .
#>     61:              4F#            4f#            4a#           4cc#
#>     62:               4B            4f#             4b           4dd#
#>     63:               =6             =6             =6             =6
#>     64:             8G#L             4B             4b           8eeL
#>     65:              8EJ              .              .          8dd#J
#>     66:              4F#            4A#            4f#           4cc#
#>     67:             4BB;           4d#;           4f#;            4b;
#>     68:               4E             4e            4g#             4b
#>     69:               =7             =7             =7             =7
#>     70:              4G#             4B            8eL            4ee
#>     71:                .              .           8f#J              .
#>     72:               4E             4e            4g#             4b
#>     73:            8AnXL             4e             4a           4cc#
#>     74:              8BJ              .              .              .
#>     75:              4c#            4c#            8eL           8g#L
#>     76:                .              .           8f#J            8aJ
#>     77:               =8             =8             =8             =8
#>     78:              4E#             4d            4g#             4b
#>     79:              4F#            4c#            4f#             4a
#>     80:             4C#;           4c#;           4e#;           4g#;
#>     81:               4E            [4B             4e            4g#
#>     82:               =9             =9             =9             =9
#>     83:              4BB            4B]            4d#            4f#
#>     84:             8C#L             4e            4c#             4a
#>     85:             8D#J              .              .              .
#>     86:               4E             4e             4B            4g#
#>     87:              4BB           8d#L             4B            4f#
#>     88:                .            8BJ              .              .
#>     89:              =10            =10            =10            =10
#>     90:             4AA#            2F#            4c#            4c#
#>     91:              4BB              .             4B            4d#
#>     92:             4EE;           4G#;            4B;            4e;
#>     93:               ==             ==             ==             ==
#>     94:               *-             *-             *-             *-
#>     95:  !!!hum2abc: -Q ''
#>     96:  !!!title: @{PC#}. @{OTL@@DE}
#>     97:  !!!YOR1: 371 vierstimmige Choralges&auml;nge von Jo***
#>     98:  !!!YOR2: 4th ed. by Alfred D&ouml;rffel (Leipzig: B***
#>     99:  !!!YOR2: c.1875). 178 pp. Plate "V.A.10".  reprint:***
#>    100:  !!!YOR4: Chorales (New York: Associated Music Publi***
#>    101:  !!!SMS: B&H, 4th ed, Alfred D&ouml;rffel, c.1875, p***
#>    102:  !!!EED:  Craig Stuart Sapp
#>    103:  !!!EEV:  2009/05/22
#> ######################## ^^^ chor004.krn ^^^ #########################
#>               (***five global comments truncated due to screen size***)
#> 	humdrumR corpus of four pieces.
#>    Data fields: 
#> 	        *Token :: character

humData |> filter(Spine %in% 1:2) |> solfa() |> unfilter(complement = 'Token')
#> ######################## vvv chor001.krn vvv #########################
#>      1:  !!!COM: Bach, Johann Sebastian
#>      2:  !!!CDT: 1685/02/21/-1750/07/28/
#>      3:  !!!OTL@@DE: Aus meines Herzens Grunde
#>      4:  !!!OTL@EN:      From the Depths of My Heart
#>      5:  !!!SCT: BWV 269
#>      6:  !!!PC#: 1
#>      7:  !!!AGN: chorale
#>      8:          **solfa        **solfa        **solfa        **solfa
#>      9:           *ICvox         *ICvox         *ICvox         *ICvox
#>     10:           *Ibass        *Itenor         *Ialto        *Isoprn
#>     11:          *I"Bass       *I"Tenor        *I"Alto     *I"Soprano
#>     12:        *>[A,A,B]      *>[A,A,B]      *>[A,A,B]      *>[A,A,B]
#>     13:     *>norep[A,B]   *>norep[A,B]   *>norep[A,B]   *>norep[A,B]
#>     14:              *>A            *>A            *>A            *>A
#>     15:          *clefF4       *clefGv2        *clefG2        *clefG2
#>     16:           *k[f#]         *k[f#]         *k[f#]         *k[f#]
#>     17:              *G:            *G:            *G:            *G:
#>     18:            *M3/4          *M3/4          *M3/4          *M3/4
#>     19:           *MM100         *MM100         *MM100         *MM100
#>     20:             vvdo            vmi             4d             4g
#>     21:               =1             =1             =1             =1
#>     22:              vdo            vmi             4d             2g
#>     23:              vla             fa             4e              .
#>     24:                .            vmi              .              .
#>     25:              vti            vre             4d            4dd
#>     26:               =2             =2             =2             =2
#>     27:              vdo            vdo             2d            4.b
#>     28:              vso            vti              .              .
#>     29:                .              .              .             8a
#>     30:              vla            vdo             4B             4g
#>     31:               =3             =3             =3             =3
#>     32:              vfa             fa            8eL            4.g
#>     33:                .            vmi             8d              .
#>     34:             vvmi             fa             8e              .
#>     35:             vvre              .           8f#J             8a
#>     36:             vvdo             so             4g             4b
#>     37:               =4             =4             =4             =4
#>     38:              vso             so           2f#;            2a;
#>     39:             vvdo             so             4g             4b
#>     40:               =5             =5             =5             =5
#>     41:             vvti            vre             4d            2dd
#>     42:             vvdo            vmi             4e              .
#>     43:             vvre             fa            4f#            4cc
#>     44:               =6             =6             =6             =6
#>     45:             vvmi             so             2g             4b
#>     46:              vfa             la              .             2a
#>     47:              vso             so            4f#              .
#>     48:                .             fa              .              .
#>     49:               =7             =7             =7             =7
#>     50:             vvdo            vmi            2d;            2g;
#> 51-133::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
#> ######################## ^^^ chor001.krn ^^^ #########################
#> 		(two more pieces...)
#> ######################## vvv chor004.krn vvv #########################
#>   1-53::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
#>     54:              vdo            vmi            8eL             4b
#>     55:                .              .           8f#J              .
#>     56:               =5             =5             =5             =5
#>     57:              vla             la           8g#L            4ee
#>     58:                .              .           8a#J              .
#>     59:              vti            vre             4b           4dd#
#>     60:              vdo              .              .              .
#>     61:              vre             re            4a#           4cc#
#>     62:              vso             re             4b           4dd#
#>     63:               =6             =6             =6             =6
#>     64:              vmi            vso             4b           8eeL
#>     65:              vdo              .              .          8dd#J
#>     66:              vre            vfi            4f#           4cc#
#>     67:             vvso             ti           4f#;            4b;
#>     68:              vdo             do            4g#             4b
#>     69:               =7             =7             =7             =7
#>     70:              vmi            vso            8eL            4ee
#>     71:                .              .           8f#J              .
#>     72:              vdo             do            4g#             4b
#>     73:              vfa             do             4a           4cc#
#>     74:              vso              .              .              .
#>     75:               la             la            8eL           8g#L
#>     76:                .              .           8f#J            8aJ
#>     77:               =8             =8             =8             =8
#>     78:              vdi             te            4g#             4b
#>     79:              vre             la            4f#             4a
#>     80:              vla             la           4e#;           4g#;
#>     81:              vdo            vso             4e            4g#
#>     82:               =9             =9             =9             =9
#>     83:             vvso            vso            4d#            4f#
#>     84:              vla             do            4c#             4a
#>     85:              vti              .              .              .
#>     86:              vdo             do             4B            4g#
#>     87:             vvso             ti             4B            4f#
#>     88:                .            vso              .              .
#>     89:              =10            =10            =10            =10
#>     90:             vvfi            vre            4c#            4c#
#>     91:             vvso              .             4B            4d#
#>     92:             vvdo            vmi            4B;            4e;
#>     93:               ==             ==             ==             ==
#>     94:               *-             *-             *-             *-
#>     95:  !!!hum2abc: -Q ''
#>     96:  !!!title: @{PC#}. @{OTL@@DE}
#>     97:  !!!YOR1: 371 vierstimmige Choralges&auml;nge von Jo***
#>     98:  !!!YOR2: 4th ed. by Alfred D&ouml;rffel (Leipzig: B***
#>     99:  !!!YOR2: c.1875). 178 pp. Plate "V.A.10".  reprint:***
#>    100:  !!!YOR4: Chorales (New York: Associated Music Publi***
#>    101:  !!!SMS: B&H, 4th ed, Alfred D&ouml;rffel, c.1875, p***
#>    102:  !!!EED:  Craig Stuart Sapp
#>    103:  !!!EEV:  2009/05/22
#> ######################## ^^^ chor004.krn ^^^ #########################
#>               (***five global comments truncated due to screen size***)
#> 	humdrumR corpus of four pieces.
#>    Data fields: 
#> 	        *Solfa :: character (**solfa tokens)
#> 	         Token :: character